Chapter 11

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After Louis left Harry's room he called Zayn, he answered after the first ring. "Finally you dumbass!! What the fuck happened? Both Liam and I have been calling you none stop the whole day, where were you? We've been worried sick about you!" Zayn rambled out as soon as he had accepted the call. It made Louis smile a little knowing that his friends had been worried. "I uh, I was hanging out with Mia and Ella, I kind of needed to talk to them," Louis sat in his window and looked out at the sky. "You have been spending quite a lot of time with them lately, is something happing between the three of you that Liam and I don't know anything about?" Zayn said it as a joke, you could hear it on the way he said it.  "Very funny Zee... But no I just needed to talk to them, um and I also I just had a talk with Harry, and now I know why he stopped coming to school, and I might have kissed him," Louis mumbled the last part as quite as he could. There was quiet on the other end of the phone Louis thought that Zayn had maybe ended the call, he was just about to check if he was still on the call. "You kissed him!" It wasn't only Zayn's voice who came screaming through the phone, but also Liam's. Louis felt his cheeks getting a pink color, maybe he shouldn't have told them that. But yeah he can't change it now, "But wait didn't you say something about you know why he stopped coming to school?" Liam asked when they had calm a bit more down, Louis nodded his head but then realized that his friends weren't able to see him. "Yeah,  yeah he did," he then said, "When what are you waiting for? Spit the tea Tommo!" Zayn almost yelled, "No, it's not my story to tell, and honestly don't even dare think about asking him!" "Oka, oka he is your boyfriend, you ask the questions," Zayn then comments back, "He's not my boyfriend you idiot! He is my to become stepbrother," Louis rolled his eyes at his friends for what felt like a hundred times and ended the call without a goodbye.

He laid in his bed thinking about the kiss, Harry's soft lips against his own, never had he ever felt anything like that. It felt like fireworks had exploded in his stomach, he didn't even want it to end, but he knew that he had to restrain himself so it didn't go too far. 'Harry was probably shocked, that's why I couldn't see him in his eyes when I left his room. What if I just ruined my only chance to be his friend? Well done Louis, well fucking done!' But on the other side, he did kiss back, Tommo what have you gotten yourself into?' "If just I knew that!"  he said out loud only for himself to hear it.

He got up from his bed so that he could open his window, hoping that if the room was cold he would be able to fall asleep. Laying back in his bed only made him realize once again that he had kissed Harry, and it leaves him with a few options. 1) He can pretend that nothing ever happened. 2)He can apologize to Harry. Or 3) He could talk to him about it. Louis fell asleep after a few hours of thinking with a faint smile.

Harry was shocked when Louis' lips came in contact with his, it felt nice. So soft yet so gentle almost like Louis was afraid that he would break him. The feeling of Louis' lips over his own made his heart beat like crazy, he saw millions of colors for his eyes, and if the time ever felt like it stopped it was in that moment.

But just because he was thinking about the kiss, how could he ever forget about the moment that lead up to it? Louis sitting on his chair looking handsome with the moonlight shining down on him. It's still hard to talk about certain things but if Harry should say it himself, he thought it was going alright. Well, until Louis asked him why he kept looking down at his hands nervously, that was when his brain closed down. He tried to make up an excuse but with a lack of functional brain cells, it's hard. Before he knew it Louis had grabbed his arms, he tried to resist, and not only is Louis way stronger than him but a little voice in his head asked him, 'Why fight, why not just stop?' Harry stopped fighting back, he just let Louis pull his sweater up so he could see his scars. It's not because there's anything he can do about it, done is done.

Louis was quiet as he study his waist, he kept his eyes on the scars. Harry wanted to pull his arms away from Louis. He just wanted to go hide in the corner alone and forget that it ever happened, he wanted the blue-eyed boy in front of him to say something to him, and when he finally did say something, "How long?" he just wanted him to shut up. He wanted him to look at him instead of his ugly scars. Harry could feel the tears form in his eyes so he thought that if he closed them they would stay, and that was when the bomb of color filled his mind.

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