'Gale Aurum and a Mystery woman'

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. ☆ ・゚。. Gale. 。・゚☆ .

He noticed Rebecca's petite body walk he held out a hand to pull her in close. Her robe hit the floor behind her as she stepped into the rain shower with him.

He held her close, and kissed her. As if they were kissing in the rain. "Made up your mind?" he asked as he pulled off, continuing to wash his body, then proceeded to turn her around. helping her with the soap, running his hands all over her body, every nook and cranny. As he wrapped his arms almopst hugging her from behind. Feeling every curve and crevice before pulling off

. ☆ ・゚。. Rebecca . 。・゚☆ .

She undoes the tie and let's it slip off her shoulders as she steps inside the shower with him then smiles happily as she kisses him and wraps her arms around his shoulders then let's go and takes a small step back. It wasn't till then she had realized how weak and sore her legs were from sex.

She turns around to his instructing and gently washes some of her own body as he does it as well. "I have a counter offer" she says proudly with a smile. Normally she never got to actually adjust the offers. She gently wraps her arms around his around her waist then turns and smiles at him.

"I had a offer from H&M to model a few swimsuits, it's in two days and I took it weeks ago. I'll wait till then to agree or decline your offer. And I'll do more research on the Victoria secrets thing you brought to my attention. So if you could have an official offer brought up by then I'll look over it" she says proudly as she wraps her arms around his shoulders.

. ☆ ・゚。. Gale. 。・゚☆ .

He smiled, enamoured with her arms around him

"You know, I wouldn't mind that. However, I did pull a few strings just in case this would happen.  That regional manager should no longer be an issue, you have one of my acquaintances instead, she will take care of you if you so choose to pursue a line in victoria's secret as well.  But again working under my company is always welcome"

He responds, pecking her nose. Holding her closer, and rubbing his soapy body against hers. As she clinged her arms around her. She was soft, and warm.  The water had washed all the soap and shampoo off from him. 

"How ever ever, I do owe you a dress.  I've contacted Tiffany's unfortunately that dress was one of a kind. So instead I'm giving you a chance to collab with its team of designers, the taylor will come tomorrow to take your measurements   and will schedule multiple meets with you in the next couple of days.  By then you will have a a dress ready for your next party." he explained, winking at her after pulling her aside, kissing her forehead and walking out of the shower, grabbing a towel on the way out to dry himself in.

. ☆ ・゚。. Rebecca . 。・゚☆ .

She pauses as this new option comes up. She thought she had it all figured out however this was becoming more difficult then she had expected to decide "Oh ..." she says softly then chews on her lips as she tries to think.

It would be easier if she wasn't required to be loyal to only one per contract until it was up she sighs a bit then smiles a little "Oh, well thank you" she pauses to think if perhaps there was something she had going on tomorrow. Not as far as she could remember. She hugs him close for a few moments before he moves away and out of the shower.

She steps under the water and was careful to completely rinse herself off then turns the water out and follows suit, grabbing a tower and drying herself off then slips on the robe again then wraps her damp hair in the towel "I'm not a great fitness model ... so the Victoria secrets one would fit my body type and style a little more.." she begins voicing her thoughts "However I really really REALLY like the idea of working for you. That means I'd see you more often, right? And it would be a little less attention grabbing since people could think it was just work" she points out hopeful it did mean she could spend more time with him.

Thankfully she didn't necessarily need to decide at the very moment or perhaps so late tonight. She could think for a little bit "I can't decide" she admits in a slightly whining tone with a frown and a sad look. Tough decisions never worked well for her. She was a master at overthinking everything

. ☆ ・゚。. Gale. 。・゚☆ .

"I'd definitely pull a few strings to Collaborate with your company of choice" He responded as he pulled the top layer of damp sheets revealing a drying cotton lined layer from the mattress.

"You can work for me in other ways" he paused what he was doing, then continued toward the closet to grab the extra comforters. Spreading them out on the bed. The damper piles lay hidden as he tossed them into the corner behind an armchair.

He hopped on the bed, and grabbed the ipad. Social media had done its job, with headlines such as 'Gale Aurum and a Mystery woman!?', to 'who is Rebecca Val'.

He chuckled, "you're famous, take a look" patted the empty space next to him for her to take a seat, and offered her the iPad.

Thanks for reading!

Poof, happiness glitter. Have a shiny day!!
⊂   ノ    ・゜+.
しーJ   °。+ *'

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