Running Into Love With You

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. ☆ ・゚。. Gale . 。・゚☆ .

After finishing up with his morning duties he made his way to the lobby. It was about to be 9 am, he was a bit early, but his meetings were fairly quick. A few guests who stayed from last night greeted him.

He had a seat on one of the stools on the lobby bar. The tender asked if he wanted anything to drink or order from the breakfast menu. "Bottled water and iced Coffee" he ordered. The barista followed up quickly. Gale waited for Rebecca as he scrolled through his phone and took sips from his iced Coffee.

He lowered the cap on his face to hide his identity, so passing guests would have a difficult time recognize him at all.

. ☆ ・゚。. Rebecca. 。・゚☆ .

She had expected him to be a little later then 9 since it was business meeting and by experience they were long and stuffy for what she remembered.

At about 9:15 she walked into the lobby, their meeting place where a white sports bra, light purple leggings, her Fitbit and one air pod so she could still hear, her hair was still tied up high and out of her way. She was carrying her water bottle and had her phone in her legging pocket.

She hadn't really thought about trying to hide herself since she was rather new to being popular so if someone wanted to they could have pointed her out, though after a few double takes since she didn't normal appear in this attire or without at least some makeup and now she wore none. She sits on the stool beside him "Hi" she says with a smile "I hope I'm not too late" she says.

. ☆ ・゚。. Gale . 。・゚☆ .

He smiled, she looked as beautiful as ever. So simple, yet unique. Her lightly colored atire brought out the her blue eyes, and made her golden hair flourish as sunbeams from the window lit parts of it up.

"You're fine, I was only able to count the ammount liquor twice while I waited for you" He said jokingly before getting off his seat and checking his watch. he looked back at the girl, "You look great! I'm glad those clothes fit you well." Looking her from top to bottom. "follow me" he started toward the west wing past the entrance and patio courtyard archway where they had danced in last night.

"Have you ever been in Napa before?" He asked as they walked side by side toward the Western entrance.

. ☆ ・゚。. Rebecca. 。・゚☆ .

She smiles then blushes a little and gives a small eye roll "oh I'm sure I wasn't that long" she says softly "Thank you, you do too" she says as she was quick to follow him, off the stool and then our the door with her water bottle still in hand.

The sun was already making it warm and she had a feeling half way through she'd be rather grumpy she was so hot from running, she didn't like how being sweaty made her feel. However last night it didn't bother her ... she stops her thoughts right there, blushing and distracted before looking back at him.

"Hm?" She asks having slightly missed the question "Ah, no. I haven't. I'm not that important" she says in a slightly joking way while walking with him.

. ☆ ・゚。. Gale . 。・゚☆ .

"well this is wine country, so most you will are just vinyards of grapes, and a couple of old town barns, wineries, you know, that sort of things" He babbled, realizing the last part did not make sense "anyways, just hope you could keep pace" he said with a competitive tone

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