Chapter 14: Selfish

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Samara's POV

I convinced Kylo to at least let me put in my two-weeks' notice with Jack, as opposed to quitting on the spot like he wanted me to. So, I was going to work on Saturday night, and I'd put in my two-weeks then, but Saturday morning, Kylo and Trudgen took me to a car dealership. I thought we were going to a dealership in town and insisted on going to one that I knew had affordable vehicles, but instead, they took me to some fancy car dealership that I'd never heard of before outside of Denver. This place was practically a museum for cars, old and new models, and nothing was even remotely close to being anything I could afford. I didn't even understand how people shopped here for cars; I assume only collectors for the most part.

The Knights even knew the owner of this place, and of course he was the one to show us around the lot, including the inside of the giant building where they kept the more historic collector vehicles. I told Kylo and Trudgen that I didn't want to put them out like this and that we could always look another day (as in, never), but they kept insisting that I find something today. I stayed away from buying anything inside, as I assumed those were the most expensive cars, and I still wanted to be able to at least feel like I could repay Trudgen someday, since he was the one who insisted on buying me a vehicle himself. I figured I'd never actually be able to afford one of these cars, and if I wanted to pay Trudgen back with my current jobs—or job, now—it would certainly take most of the rest of my life.

When the four of us walked around the lot, I attempted to try to find the least expensive vehicle available, which was difficult considering they were all nearly the cost of a house or two. There were a few vehicles under the six-figure mark, so I did opt for one of those. Eventually, I settled on a dark blue 1980 Pontiac Firebird with a T-top. Kylo was frustrated with me for not choosing something more high-end, but I told him that I'd always wanted to own a T-top, and Trudgen kept pointing me to some of the earlier models that were nearly twice the price, but I made him settle for this one. I really didn't want to put them out like this; it felt like they'd already done so much for me, and this was way over the top. The Knights of Ren were quite the protectors and kind gentlemen, and I was extremely grateful for their gestures.


"You're leaving me?" Scott asked with a playful pouty face as we began opening the bar for the night.

I scoffed at him and smirked. "Oh please, you'll see me plenty in here. I'll come bother you whenever I'm here with the guys. And I'll be working with you next weekend too."

After I came around the bar to start helping him out, Scott came over and gave me a hug. "It's been great working with you, Sam. You're an excellent bartender."

"Scott, that's sweet. Now, stop with your sappy shit," I giggled. "But thank you, you've been fun to work with too."

The Knights arrived separately that night, presumably because they were each at different locations. Vicrul and Ushar came in first, giving me hugs when I came around the bar to greet them and get their food and drink orders, and then they took their seats at the booth. Ap'lek arrived after them by himself; I'd recently had my suspicions that he was seeing that woman from the gala, but he hadn't mentioned anything to me. He seemed more euphoric though and had this small air of lightness around him now. I knew that Cardo had visited Lynn at Icon Studio earlier in the evening, so I figured he would be showing up by himself, which he did awhile later. Kuruk and Kylo showed up together after that, all official business talk though. Kylo only paused their formal conversation to give me a smile and small kiss before continuing to the booth. I took everyone's orders a short while later.

Trudgen didn't show up until almost midnight. The crowd had died down pretty significantly by that point. The second I saw him come inside, I gave him a huge embrace and kiss, not even letting him get past the bar. "Where have you been tonight?"

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