Chapter 22: Hux

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WARNINGS: involuntary drug use mentioned and pretty gruesome descriptions of violence.

Samara's POV

I opened my eyes with a gasp, feeling as if I woke up from a nightmare. It took a moment for my eyes to focus and my mind to clear from the fog. I coughed a few times, and my heart was racing. I tried to take deep breaths to gather myself from this overwhelming feeling of terror. Through the fear, I tried to think of the last things that I remembered. I was... somewhere... where was I? I think I was at the grocery store. Yeah, because I went to buy food after getting off work at the gym. I trained with Shayna after I clocked out, and then I went shopping. I believed maybe I had seen Nick there, but I couldn't remember exactly. It was difficult to concentrate. I was just leaving with a few bags to take back to Kylo's place. I had arrived back at my car. My doors were locked, so I unlocked them and got inside. They were locked, right? I'm pretty sure they were... No, they definitely were. I had started double- and triple-checking that my doors were locked after the last time I had found them unlocked in the gym parking lot. I took a seat inside, and then I woke up here. I couldn't remember making it home.

After my eyes cleared from the blur, I took a minute to look around the room I was in. And I began to realize that I had no idea where I was. I didn't recognize this place... this vastly large, fancily-decorated room. Everything was mostly nude colors: beige, brown, and gold strewn about on the elaborate walls, couches, and tables. Wallpaper that included some filigree and crown-molding on the floors and ceiling. It kind of reminded me of Ap'lek's apartment with how elegant it looked, like a very ornamental living room. Or rather multiple living rooms, because there was a wide archway that I was facing that led into what looked like another living room space with similar furniture to this one and a fireplace. There was a huge window to my right that faced a sophisticated garden with a few fancy lights strewn about. It was pitch-black outside, so I wasn't sure how long I had been unconscious. If I wasn't so panicked, I would've thought this room was rather nice.

However, I happened to be strapped down to what was probably a dining chair. My hands were tied to the wooden slats on the back, and my ankles were tied to the front legs of the chair. I was too scared to make much noise, since I didn't know if I was alone in this place. I figured I probably wasn't, because there was a black button-up shirt laying neatly on the back of one of the couches in the room ahead of me. Considering the situation that I'd found myself in, I didn't really want to meet anyone that lived here. It seemed more like a mansion, since it was so large and decorated with gold trinkets. I wished I could've moved a little bit more, even just to be able to turn myself around in this seat and check out more of this new place.

After some extended period of time being alone in this room, still dark outside, footsteps echoed on the tiled floor. My heartrate picked up significantly, and my mind was swimming. I almost felt like I was going to have a panic attack. I was finally going to be able to see someone who I could maybe get some answers from. Hopefully whoever it was could remove me from this chair; the irritating ropes had been digging into my skin, and I felt like my wrists had been rubbed red and raw, but I couldn't very well see them since they were tied behind me.

Around the corner to my left, a red-haired man stepped out of a wide hallway and into the living room where I was seated. His hair was sleeked back, and he had some mild ginger stubble on his face as well. He had on a pair of black pants that were mostly covered by knee-high black combat boots. I guessed that he must've been wearing the black button-up that was on the couch at some point, because he had on a black tank-top that was probably the undershirt.

"Samara, you're awake." I looked at him with wide eyes. I didn't tell people that name for a reason, and I wasn't sure how he knew it. I definitely didn't know him. "Finally! I thought you were going to end up like Sleeping Beauty but no prince to come wake you up." He walked closer to me, and I instinctively leaned backwards in my chair as far as I could. "You must've been given an obscene amount of benzodiazepine."

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