Rival Break

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F!Jesse's POV

"Ughh..." I groaned out, leaning back on the chair I sat on. I dropped the quill and rubbed my eyes before stretching. The paperwork was overbearing and I needed a much deserved break. I've been working overtime for a while now.

I spun in my chair a little, looking around to get my eyes a rest. Nothing seemed to make them feel better. Nothing seemed pleasing enough.

When I looked out the window, I saw it was nearing sunset. Unfortunately, I wouldn't get to watch it in time, because I need to finish my work. Otherwise, they'd be piling up the next day. Bummer, since it would've been what my eyes needed to be away from paper all the time.

A knock on my office door was soon heard. "Come on," I called out, regaining my posture.

The door opened to reveal a particularly handsome blonde boy. Now that was what my eyes needed.

"Oh my gosh! Is that Jesse? The leader of the Order of The Stone!?" He smiled as he saw me.

Of course, his cute gesture made my smile as well. I decided to play along. "Don't worry, you'll get your turn."

"I don't think I'd have to wait for that," he smirked as he approached my desk.

"Hey, Lukas," I grinned and leaned on the table. "What's up?"

"Came to check on you. Radar said you were working overtime so you don't get paperwork piled up tomorrow."

"Yep. It's been..." I yawned, "...a long day."

"What do you even do as 'work'?"

"Well, mostly answer people's requests when they don't see me in town. There's some people who also wants it in writing to show that they have permission to build whatever they want. And some people don't know what to base their store on, some wants to know what new crops to plant, some don't want lava in their area..."

As I began rambling off about the basic things what the citizens ask for,I realized I still had a LOT more to do. I sighed and rest my head on the desk, frustrated at the amount of paper I had to stare at for the rest of the day.

"Seems to me like you need a break," Lukas announced.

I peeked up at him. "I need a day."

He gave a small smile. "Knowing you, you'd be too stubborn to not get your work piled up."

"Of course I am, it'll be more work..." I burried my eyes into my arm, ready to sleep right there and then. "What about you? Your writing doesn't take this long, does it?"

He chuckled. "It does when you have nothing to write about."

I looked up. "You finished The Admin Battle already?"

"Yeah, I'm publishing it tomorrow."

"What are you gonna do after that?"

"Well, our adventures seem to be over for now. I guess I'll just see what happens and go on from there."

I smiled at him. "Or you can write your own strange story."

"Yeah, but that would be a lot of work," he chuckled again.

His laughs sent butterflies to my stomach. I could listen to it every day and never grow tired of it. When my eyes unconsciously fell onto the table, I was brutally reminded of what I had to do.

Lukas' POV

Jesse dropped her head on the table for the last time. I flinched at the sound before staring at her. She obviously needed a proper break, but she wouldn't take one.

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