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Lukas' POV

After I had hit writer's block a couple of times, I figured I needed a break. I made my way to the Order Hall where Radar was at his desk filing paperwork.

"Hey, Radar."

He jumped and scrambled to get the papers in one neat stack. "O-oh! Hey, Lukas! What's– what's up?"

"Had writer's block for a while. I came to check up on you guys," I looked around, "where's Jesse?"

"She's in the treasure room with Romeo."

My eyes shot at him. "Romeo? What's he doing here?"

"Xara's having trouble forgiving him so he's staying here for a while."

I narrowed my eyes. I still felt uneasy about Romeo getting away with things after everything he did.

Radar walked me to the treasure room where Jesse had been explaining all the adventures of The Order of The Stone. Surprisingly enough, he actually seemed interested in it.

"Why is there lapis here?" Romeo asked, confused about the lapis.

"That's what Ivor gave Petra and I in return for a witherskull. Not the best deal, considering he promised a diamond," Jesse explained with a smile.

"Hey Boss," Radar called, "Lukas is here."

"Oh great!" Jesse beamed. "I finally have an excuse to make a cake. I'll be back!" She walked off into a storage room.

"I need to get back to my desk," Radar said awkwardly.  "Keep an eye on Romeo, he isn't supposed to touch anything in here."

I nodded and Radar left.

"Lukas, right?" Romeo called, looking at the book on he pedestal. "Is this your book?"

"Uh, yeah, it's the book I wrote in when we went through the portal network." I watched him walk around, amazed at the different treasures in the room.

One in particular caught his eye. "What?" He looked at an item frame. "Why does Jesse have a porkchop framed?"

"Oh, that's–" he took the porkchop from the frame. "Uh, Romeo, what are you doing?"

"I'm starving," he raised the porkchop to his lips.

I quickly pulled down his hand so that he didn't eat it. "Jesse is bringing cake, you can wait."

"Come on, give me a break," he glared at me.

"You know, you're not all that scary without your powers. Jesse is, on the other hand." He rolled his eyes and looked at the porkchop. "You should put it back."

"It's a porkchop!"

I glanced behind him and saw Jesse enter the room with a cake in hand. "I wouldn't do that if I were you," I told Romeo.

"Whatever, I'm starving." Romeo goes to eat the porkchop, just before he lost his grip on it when Jesse jump-kicked him out of the way.

I caught the raw porkchop and turned to Romeo, who was pinned down with a sword to his neck by Jesse. "Don't. Touch. My pig," she growled at him.

He looked scared of her. "Y-yes ma'am..." He stuttered.

She glared at him for a while longer as I put the porkchop back. Jesse grabbed his collar and showed him the item frame with the porkchop. "You must never touch this or I will kill you in an instant. Do you understand?"

"Loud and cl-clear," he stuttered again.

"Do you understand!?"

I jumped. "Yes, I understand!" Romeo yelled, almost ready to cry.

"Good," she let him go. "I almost don't want to share my cake with you."

Romeo frowned and fixed his collar. "I told you she was scary," I grinned.

Don't mess with Jesse. XD
One of my original ideas, hope you enjoyed. I'll see you in the next one! :)

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