chapter 2

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Steph's POV-

I was currently finishing up my lesson plans for the first week of school.

It was now friday, ollie and April are coming around 6pm so we can set up before the show starts.

It's only 4, so I'm going to finish up this last lesson before cleaning my apartment.

This last week, I haven't cleaned anything, it's not that I like it. I hate having a dirty house but I haven't had time with trying to get the lesson plans done and hang out with my friends while summer was still here.

I close my folder and place it on the dinning room table as I walk into the kitchen.

I quickly do the washing up before taking the rubbish out.

Once i had finally finished cleaning, I head back to my room and get changed into some comfortable clothes.

Once i had finally finished cleaning, I head back to my room and get changed into some comfortable clothes

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I still had 30 minutes until they were coming, so I climbed into my bed.

Laying on my back and started tracing small random shapes on my stomach.

I must of fell asleep because I'm woken by ollie screaming in my ear.


I throw myself up, so I'm  sitting.

"Whyyyy" I whine once I released what just happened.

"Come on, let's get everything ready for the show. April is setting up the blankets and pillows!" She said pulling me out of bed.

She finally let go of my arm when we get to the bottom of the stairs.

I turn off to the kitchen, to find april sitting on the counter eating a bowl of popcorn.

I laugh and playfully role my eyes before going into one of my cabinets and grabbing my secret stash of sweets.

"Where were they?! I couldn't find them!" April exclaimed.

"I moved them after you stole them last week." I giggle before brushing a piece of hair behind my ear.

She trys to grab them, so I make a run of the living room and throw myself on to the sofa.

Ollie turns the tv on as April runs in with the popcorn.

"Give me the-" she started but I quickly  cut her off.

"Shhh, its starting" she sighs but sits down and grabs a blanket.

After a while, lizzie was finally brought out.

She looked panicked and scared, I felt sorry for her.

I got comfortable in my space, wrapping a blanket around myself like a burrito. My arms tightly wrapped around my waist while I was leaning into Ollie's side.

Lizzie looked like she had calmed down once I had finally looked back at the tv.

She was smiling slightly, with one arm resting around her stomach while she was moving the other one as she spoke.

"So, we heard your going to be filming another marvel project. Is there anything you can tell us about it?"

"Yes I am, but I cant tell you anything except we are filming in Atlanta like always." She replied the soft smile never leaving her face.

"Steph! Maybe you'll bump into tour crush!!" April teases me.

"Oh shut up, shes filmed her multiple times but I've never bumped into her." I say rolling my eyes and going back to watching the interview.

"You never know!" She said throwing a pillow at me.

"Well, even if I did bump into her it wouldn't matter as she has a soulmate and I dont."  As i said that ollie pulled me closer.

" come on steph... I was only teasing." April says moving closer so we were all cuddling. The interview finishes.

We put on a random movie and just talk about everything and anything we could think of.

How all our jobs were starting on monday.

April was a fashion designer and a really good one as well.

She had made all of our prom dresses and they were amazing.

Ollie was starting a job at a restaurant where she could slowly work her way up to being a head chef.

Around 1 am we had all fallen asleep on the sofa.

Elizabeth's POV-

I had just finished the interview with Jimmy Fallon.

I was anxious at the start like I always was, but my soulmate had wrapped an arm around herself and it calmed me down.

She most likely doesn't even know she did that, but it helped alot.

I was heading back to  Ashley's penthouse, I was leaving tomorrow morning to head to Atlanta to start filming.

As I walked in, i saw both twins sitting on the floor with a notebook infront of them.

"You alright there?" I ask trying not to laugh.

"We made a bet at how many times your soulmate touched herself during  that interview and where."

"I said 4 times, once on the stomach, twice on the arm and once on the leg." Mary says reading the note book.

"And I said 3 times. The same as M, but only touched the arm once." Ashley says looking at me for the answer.

"Ashley is right, but that doesn't answer my question, why are you weirdos sitting in the floor."

They both shrug before standing up and leading the way to my room, where I had to pack to leave.

I always leave packing last minute,  and they both know that so they are probably going to help.

"You excited to go back to Atlanta?" Mary-Kate asks while folding a top.

"Yeah, more excited to see scarlett and rose but I'm gonna miss you guys."

That's how we spent most of the night before having  a 'sleepover' in my room like we did when we were kids.

The next day around 5pm.

I was waiting to pick up my luggage, when I felt tiny arms wrap around my legs.

I look down to see rose, smiling up at me.

"Auntie lizzie!"

"Hiya rose! Wheres your mommy?"

She just shrugs before lifting her arms to tell me that she wanted carried.

A few moments after scar appeared holding my bags

"When did you get them?" I ask looking at her in shock.

"The first one, when rose distracted you and the second one just now." She says giggling at me.

And with that we leave and head to scarlett's.

I was staying with her and rose while we filmed.

1044 words

soul mates ♡Elizabeth Olsen♡Where stories live. Discover now