chapter 34

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Lizzie's POV-

It's now the 23rd and we are on our way to Atlanta to spend Christmas with her family, then on boxing day we are heading to new York to spend time with my family.

"Babe, can you pass me the tape?" Stephanie asked.

She was sitting in the middle of the living room, wrapping the last of the gifts for both of our families, as I can not wrap to save my life.

"Yep." I say as I pass it to her, giving her a peck on the lips as I do.

"Have you packed everything?" She asks as she finishes the last present.

"Yes babe, all packed." I say with a chuckle, I realised she always gets like this before travelling.

"Hid my pregnancy things so my nosy sister doesn't find them before we tell them Christmas morning?" She asks as she puts all the gifts in their own little bags for each person.

I've booked another private jet as we have alot of things and I dont really want to travel with a bunch of people while stephanie is pregnant.


"Sent scarlett all her gifts for her family?"

"Yep! And I put the open on face time sticker on the pregnancy announcement gift."

"Okay good.." she says while double checking everything.

"Ready to go babe?" I ask as she starts to recheck everything, this could go on all day if I let it.

"Are we sure we have everything?"

"Yeah, and we are getting straight on that jet and you are going to sleep. You didn't sleep last night." I tell her while helping her up before grabbing the bags of presents.

"Yeah, okay.. " she replied before letting me lead her to the taxi.

She climbs into the backseat while I put the last bags into the trunk.

"Okay so you have access to the back of the airport, to take straight to the airplane. We will be paying you extra for that." I inform the driver and she nods before driving off.

Once we got on the jet, I get her into the small bedroom and get her settled before going to talk to the pilot.

After taking to the pilot I head back to the small bedroom and lay down with my beautiful soulmate.

Once I'm under the covers she cuddled into my side.

"We are about to take off soon, so let's try to get some sleep before we have to be around both of our crazy families."

"Mhm...and our crazy mothers that are going to cry when they find out.." she mumbles into my chest.

" go to sleep bubs.." I say as I gently rub circles onto her arm.

Before she can even reply she falls into a deep sleep.

"I love you steph.." I say to the sleeping woman in my arms before letting myself fall asleep.


"I cant go in." She says as I unload the taxi.

"Why not Baby?"

"Our Christmas eves are a bit crazy. Dad goes around asking us what to get mom, mom tries to get me and Kaitlin to help cooking and we fight over who will do it as its stressful. I dont want you to see how crazy and weird I can be..." she says with a sigh.

"I know you can be crazy and I love that about you. So can we please go in now?" I say handing her the lighter bags.

"Yeah..yeah let's go in." She says giving me a small smile.

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