chapter 5

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Elizabeth's POV-

I was woken by scarlett gently shaking my shoulder.

"Lizzie, its 10. I have ice cream and tons of movies lined up!" She says before walking out the room.

I slowly sit up, rubbing my eyes gently.

I get out of the bed and get into some casual clothes, incase I have to go out.

I walk downstairs and jump onto the sofa, next to scarlett who hands me a spoon.

She puts the tub of ice cream in between us.

before the movie starts scar turns to me.

"Two things."

"Yes scar?" I say giggling at her seriousness.

"You cant tell rose we are having ice cream for breakfast, I will never hear the end of it. And can you please pick her up after school?"

"Why cant you pick her up?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

Dont get me wrong, I'm happy to pick rose up. I just want to know why.

"She wanted tou to come drop her off but i explained that you were still sleeping and might still be down about yesterday. She asked if you would pick her up."

"Ofcourse I'll pick her up. Now start the movvviiiieeee"

She giggles and turns the movie on.

The movie finished and we had ran out of ice cream, so we decided to go for a walk to a cafe or restaurant.

And if we are still out when it's time to pick rose up, we will just walk to pick her up and walk back with her.

No one's POV-

Scarlett and lizzie had arrived at a macdonald's.

The had ordered their food and were sitting at a table as the worker had told them to sit down and they would bring it over.

Lizzie had her back to the door and counters so she couldn't see anything.

As they were talking about filming, scarlett got distracted by the familiar outfit and hair, she had seen this morning.

She quickly exudes herself, saying she had to use the toilet.

She didnt want lizzie to see her just yet, knowing  that rose would want to see her aunt lizzie smile.

"Hey miss Williams, what are you doing here?" Scarlett asks, it was still school hours.

"Oh miss Johansson, you can call me stephanie and its lunch so I was just grabbing me and my other friends that have started this year some food." Steph says smiling lightly before looking back at the screen to see if her order was called yet.

"You can call me scarlett, and hows rose doing?"

"Shes doing great we were playing get to know you games and I said my fun fact is that I like fashion and she said 'I thought you liked acting like a kid.' So we had a good laugh out of that."

Steph smiles again gently before walking over to collect her food.

"Well it was nice seeing you scarlett, I'll see you after school."

Scarlett gives her a smile in return before nodding and walks back over to the table.

Lizzie was stuffing her face with the food she had ordered, what must of arrived while scarlett was gone.

"You okay lizzie?" All she received was a nod, while the girl continued to stuff her face with her food.

Meanwhile stephanie was driving back to school, she didnt exactly tell scarlett the truth.

She was the only one that joined the school as a teacher.

Shes the youngest and all the other teachers are all over the 35 mark.

At break she tried to talk to them, but all they talked about was their kids or husbands or challenges they face for their age.

Stephanie who had barely started her life, just sat there bored.

She decided at lunch she was going to go pick something up and eat in her classroom.

She got out of her car and grabbed the bag of food. She had 20 minutes until lunch was over.

Once she arrived at the classroom, she put the bag on the table and grabbed a staple gun.

If she was going to stay in there, why not get some of the decorating done.

There was a small knock at the door that pulled her out her thoughts, of trying to get a poster to look straight on a wall.

"Do you need some help?" A voice says from the door, causing stephanie to almost fall off the chair she was standing on.

"Oh, Mrs. Miller. Thank you, can you pass me that poster?" Stephanie asks, the small woman who looks like she was in her 40s nods and grabs the poster.

As she does she spots the untouched macdonald's bag.

"You can call me sandra, have you not eaten?"

Stephanie looks away from the wall to where sandra was looking to see the untouched bag.

"Oh I forgot about that, I'm not very hungry. I dont even know why I got it to be honest."

The older teacher shakes her head and picks the bag up.

"Stephanie, get off that chair and sit at your desk." She says with the famous teacher voice.

Stephanie no matter how old she gets or if she is a teacher herself, that voice always makes her listen.

She jumps off the chair and walks over to her desk, sitting in her chair.

"I know a  first day can be stressful but it doesn't mean you can skip a meal."

"Its not really the teaching that's being stress, it's not even stress."

As if a switch goes off in Sandra's head, she realizes what's wrong.

"It must be weird being the youngest staff member, your life just started and your stuck with people that have already settled down in life."

"Its just what you guys where talking about at break, I didnt know how to join in or what to say. The closest ting I have to a child or a soulmate is my little sister and my best friends."

"Not met tour soulmate yet?" Sadra asks softly while opening the bag and handing her the burger and steal a frie for herself.

"Something like that I guess." Stephanie replied taking a small bite of the burger after she unwrapped it.

"So how old are you?" The older woman asks completely leaving the subject when she sees it made the girl uncomfortable.

"21, drinking age!" Stephanie does a fake cheer with her arms when she says she can drink.

Sandra laughs at the girl.

"I'm 39 I was that age along time ago."

Once stephanie had finished the burger and the two woman split the fries the bell goes.

Sandra and stephanie both say good bye and that they would see each other at the meeting after school about the first day.

1129 words

soul mates ♡Elizabeth Olsen♡Where stories live. Discover now