chapter 32

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Lizzie's POV-

Me and steph were now sitting in the doctors office while they take a blood test and a proper pregnancy test.

"No! I'm not getting a needle put in my arm to take my blood! Nope no way!" Steph says shaking her head as the nurse is holding the needle and bag.

"Steph baby, they need to do this." I say taking her hand in mine.

"But it's my blood.." she says with a cute pout.

"Stephanie, you need to do this and its very serious you do this baby. I promise you that I'll be here the whole time."

"Fine...but I want ice cream after!" She sighs lifting her free arm for the nurse to use.

"Right! That's all done, the doctor should be with you shortly." The brunette nurse says as she leaves the room leaving me with stephanie who was pouting still while looking at the small plaster on her arm.

I giggle and turn her face towards me before kissing her pout away.

"Its all going to be worth it when we get to meet our little baby." I say while letting one of my hands drop down to her stomach earning a giggle from her.

"I guess your right."

"I know, I always am."

"I wouldn't go that far babe."

I pretend to be hurt and take both my hands away from her and look away upset.

"Aww lizzie I'm sorry baby." She says going to  stand up and come over to me.

"No it's okay, steph you stay sitting down." I say quickly walking over to her and kissing her cheek.

With that our doctor walks in.

"Hello miss Olsen and miss Williams!"She says with a gentle smile.

"So the test results have came back and they are positive. So congratulations. Now because your only 2 weeks you have to wait another 4 before you can have an ultrasound."

"Steph?" I ask as shes sitting there with tears in her eyes.

"I'm fine! More than fine I knew it was going to be positive but this just made it more real and I'm so happy." She says finally letting go and tears running down her face.

"And these stupid horomones are not help." She says with a chuckle.

"Yeah, your going to get emotional alot. We have this little pack here for you, it has everything you will need through out your pregnancy."

(I dont know how they do it in America but in the uk, you get a little pack with everything you need.)

"Thanks doc." Steph says as she takes it and stands up.

"Have a good day and I'll see you in two weeks. As this is through ivf we have to keep a close eye on you."

As we climb into the car, steph turns to me with a cute pout.

"What's wrong baby?" I ask as I start the car.

"I just realised that our baby get your last name before me." She say letting her hand rest on her flat stomach.

"I guess so but I'm sure you wont have to wait long after them." I say making her look at me.

"Are you saying that your going to propose at some point soon?"

"Maybe, maybe not. Now I was thinking that we should keep this to ourselves and just family until your 12 but wait until we have our six weeks ultrasound to tell family." I say, I think it's better to wait incase something happens. I mean shes only 2 weeks.

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