chapter 24

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Stephanie's POV-

It was now Friday and we were getting ready to go out to a fancy dinner with my parents and sister.

I was going to tell them the news that I will be moving for a while when lizzie is done filming and I was also introducing lizzie to my dad and also my sisters husband.

She had met my stepmom and younger sisters this morning and I told them the news and they were happy for me.

My first younger sister also asked me to for me to make her a dress for her Christmas dance.

It was amazing, my step mom is a big part of my life and it was nice to see that she liked lizzie and also that my sisters liked her.

We also bumped into my dad as we were leaving...

*flash back*

"Bye mama, bye girls. I'll call you guys soon and I'll definitely vist before we move for a long period." I say giving them all a hug and watch as lizzie hugged them after.

A happy smile settled on my face as I watch my bonus mum interact to my girlfriend

" babe, I'm home where are my lovely daughters?" I heard Peter say from the front door.

"Steph I promise I thought he was meant to be home at 1." Mama says with a panicked look on her face.

My sisters also looked panicked as they came over to me and hugged me knowing I would be getting either upstairs or angry.

"Girls?" He said walking into the living room and freezing looking at lizzie not even noticing me as I was being coved by my younger sisters.

"And why is Elizabeth Olsen in my living room?"

"I'm your daughter's soulmate." She says proudly.

"Wow that's a big age gap you'll have to wait till shes 18." He says making me mad.

But before I could speak up or even reveal myself lizzie spoke up.

"No you 2nd born is my soulmate."

"My Payton?! No that's no! Shes 10." He says pissed.

"No she means me Peter, the second born you abandoned the second born who wouldn't even know who you were if mama didnt force you to try reconnect with two times. The second born who has blocked you out of her life as well as your first born."

"Oh Kaitlyn! Baby I missed you! I havent seen you since you were. Since you and your younger sister were like 30 when you were invited to dinner. You look good for being in your 30s."

"Its stephanie and it was my fucking 16th she was 30! But hey you won't know that you were in my life for 1 year and after that I saw you twice in my whole life. Atleast Kaitlyn had you for 15 fucking years! I am not your fucking baby." I say annoyed

I grab all my stuff and walk out hand and hand with lizzie.

As I got to the living room door, I turn around and see the girls looking proud while Peter looked ashamed.

"Also I'm 21 you dickhead! Love you guys I'll see you soon. Not you peter rot in hell."

I say before pulling lizzie to the car and getting in the passenger seat to angry to drive.

"Baby that was awesome!"

"Thanks, let's just go home and cuddle until we have to get ready." She nods at me before starting the car.

*end of flash back.*

We had also heard back from the show and they were able to do this weekend and where coming tomorrow morning before we leave.

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