chapter 39

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Lizzie's POV-

It's been a little while since we had talked about getting married, it's now November.

We have got most of the wedding planned, I'm going to wear a white dress with black flowers and stephanie wants to have a black dress with white flowers.

We decided on a black and white themed wedding, simple but not a wedding you see every day.

Stephanie was currently walking around with both babies in her arms while talking to her mom on speaker but sadly they were speaking Spanish so I couldn't understand.

"Babe! Can you grab my note pad and put down the date of my last dress fitting?" She asks me before going back to speaking Spanish.

I go and do as I'm ask, only to realise she didn't tell me the date so I gead back down stairs with note book and pen in hand.

"Steph, you didn't tell me the date."

"Oh it's the tenth of November." She says with a smile.

"That's only two weeks before the wedding, are they going to have time to finish it?"

Right now it's the 1st of November, the wedding is on the 24th and I cant wait.

"Yeah! It's just to do any last touch ups." She giggles as she hands me Sofia and walks off with ellis.

"Bye mama, I'm gonna go now. I'll see you in a week." I hear her say before shes out of eye sight and hearing distance.

I look down at ellis who is smiling back up at me.

"You are just the cutest! You and your sister own my heart along with your mama." I say as I kiss her head before going to find stephanie.


Today we were heading back to Atlanta, where the wedding was going to be held.

We had rented another private plane because of the babys, we don't want to interrupt anyone flight with two crying babies.

"We get married in 2 weeks." Stephanie says leaning against me once she had strapped the sleeping baby in their seats.

"I cant wait to make you Mrs Olsen."

"Simp." She giggles out.

"Whatever, I think I deserve to simp for my baby mama." I say wrapping my arms around her as the plane takes off.

"What did I say about calling me that." She whines.

"That you love it and I should never ever stop."

"You are so lucky I love you."

She gets comfortable in my arms before leaning her head against my shoulder.

"I can wait until we have another one." She says as she watches our babies.

"We could start trying after the wedding?" I say, I would love another baby.

"Not that early! My body is still recovering from the twins, let's wait until they aren't reliant on milk. I will not be able to feed 3 or 4 babies at once."

"Fair enough."

"But you better start telling your eggs that it better not be twins! I mean twins dont even run in my family but they do run in yours."

"I'll make sure to them every time I look kn a mirror." I laugh out, teasing her.

"I'm serious, I'm happy to have loads of kids but I am not having any more if the next lot is twins. My body will never recover."

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