chapter 43

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Stephanie's POV-

I was walking around the park looking for a bench with Sofia.

I wonder what she wants to talk about, she sounds nervous.

"Here mama, I found a bench." She says helping me sit down.

"Thanks sof, do you wanna tell me now?"

"Uh yeah, just promise not to be mad." She sighs refusing to meet my eyes.

"I promise baby, just tell me what's going on." I say pulling her as close as I can with my bump.

"Me and Emily- we had sex and I dont know how to feel."

"Oh baby.." I sigh kissing her head.

"Did you want to do it?"


"Did you enjoy it?"

"Yes." She replied again.

"Do you feel like you would want to do it again?" I ask, the best way to help sofia see or realise how she feels is to ask questions.

"Yes." She says with I blush.

"Do you wanna talk about how you feel?"


"Then that's what we will do!" I say before seeing the ice cream parlor across from the park. "With ice cream!"

She laughs before helping me up and walking with me to the ice cream shop.

These triplets are taking all of my energy, Some days I cant even walk around the house without being exhausted.

As we sat at the ice cream table towards the back, I listen as she talks about how she feels.

After a while and two ice creams, some paparazzi people walked in and looked around before spotting me.

Thankfully sofia had started to walk home to get the car because I was to tired to walk anymore.

"Mrs Olsen! How does it feel to be pregnant with triplets?!" One of the 10 men with cameras asks me while I try to collect my stuff.

They all start to throw questions at me.

When I finally get up and start to head to the entrance, I'm knocked over by one of them.

"Steph!" I hear lizzie shout before people being pushed out of the way.

"You idiots! She is pregnant and you are harassing her to the point shes fell! You guys are lucky she didn't land on her stomach!"

She helps me up before some of the workers begin to ask if I'm okay, but I block them out to pay attention to what my wife is saying.

"I am the celebrity, so if you must harass somebody harass me! Leave my wife and my children out of it."

"We weren't here for you, we want to know about her fashion business." One of the braver men says.

"Shut up! You still have no right to even come near her. She is hurt for god sake, so stay away from my family. And I will be speaking out about this." She says before helping me to the car.

"We have to go to the hospital, lizzie please. I need to make sure my babies are okay."

"Yeah, call our parents and tell them. I'll get us there as quick as I can."


"Everything looks fine, the only thing I'm worried about is that you are bleeding on my table." The doctor  says putting the machine away and gently lifting my head before turning to the nurse in the room. "Page neuro."

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