Chapter 17

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When Krystal woke up, after getting dressed and eating breakfast alone, which was strange, Krystal made her way to the training grounds. In the middle of the ring, Skylark was sparring with Shade, who was surprisingly keeping up with the warrior prince. Off to the left, Kieran was leaning against a pillar, silently observing, arms crossed and one ankle crossed over the other.

"I didn't know my brother could fight. He certainly doesn't look like it, let alone show any interest in it." Krystal nodded at Kieran in greeting as she approached him and he turned his head, then uncrossed his arms. Looking away from the two sparring fae, Kieran focused his attention on Krystal, "Your brother is more of an opportunist. Having Skylark here is an opportunity for him, for what, I've yet to discover, all I know is that he insisted that Skylark spar with him this morning." There was a yell from the ring and they both turned their heads. Shade was laying flat on the ground, Skylark standing over him, both of them breathing heavily. "Uncle, what would it take me to convince you to let me learn how to fight like fae? I know how to fight like Nephilim, but I want to know how to fight like my other people, as well." Kieran studied Krystal for a moment, then gestured at Skylark, who was dusting himself off and walking to the other side of the training circle. "You'll get no better teacher than Skylark. He's better at teaching physical combat than I am. You have my blessing to learn from him if you so wish." Krystal watched the prince, who leaned against a stone pillar, eyes closed. "Skylark, come here please." Kieran called out to his friend before Krystal could respond and he looked up, then started across the circle, not even acknowledging Shade, who was still sprawled out in the middle of the circle.

Kieran explained the entire situation to Skylark, Krystal standing next to her uncle in silence, hands folded behind her. "Krystal is a Shadowhunter, is she not? Shouldn't the training she received be enough to protect herself?" Skylark's eyes flicked to Krystal, causing Krystal to flinch. The prince who had offered Krystal that warm advice was not looking at her right now. Simply, Krystal shook her head, "I wasn't able to complete my training. Though it's true, because of family connections, I had extended family training, so my skills might be what you'd consider advanced for Shadowhunters my age, but hardly anything compared to anything my family could do." Krystal put a hand on Kieran's shoulder, and gestured at Shade, "All my family." Skylark rubbed the bridge of his nose and Kieran growled, "Out of respect for what you've done for me, Skylark, I won't order you as a king. But, at least test Krystal in a match." Hope rose in Krystal's chest and the prince nodded.

Kieran practically dragged Shade out of the training grounds. For the entirety of the conversation, Shade had only managed to move onto his left side, either Shade was being lazy, or was genuinely in pain. "Sparring matches were common at the Academy, so this doesn't bother me at all." Skylark tossed Krystal a roll of hand tape, "Don't get so cocky, princess. I don't mind going easy. This is a feeling out fight so I can determine where we need to start." As Krystal tied off the tape on her hands and dropped the roll, the two took their places, Skylark rolling his shoulders. "You're not the first person to say that to me."

Shadowhunters are brave warriors in their own right, defending mundanes by keeping the peace between downworlders and slaying any demons that slip into their dimension. But the young princess that stood before Skylark, even though she talked and acted tough, was terrified. Skylark could smell the unease coming from the young half-fae, from what, it wasn't clear, but that wasn't the main point of focus at the moment. "If it's of any comfort, Krystal." Skylark spoke in an even voice as the two took their positions across from each other in the ring, getting into significantly different fighting stances, "There is no need to be nervous. I have trained others in the past, your brother included, and other females as well. I won't try anything inappropriate either, I'm not that kind of fae male." The girl's face seemed to relax slightly, but the stance she held didn't waver, at least that much she knew.

Skylark's 'test match' as Krystal deemed it, was over as soon as it started. Krystal barely got a few kicks and hits in before Skylark pinned Krystal's arms behind her back, kicked her legs out from under her and Krystal fell face-first onto the ground. "I will admit, you clearly know how to fight, and you're fast. But, you fight like a Nephilim, and I've fought Nephilim before. I anticipated every single one of your moves. We're going to start from the basics." The basics of what, exactly? Krystal shook the thought and sighed, "I've been to square one before, I don't need to-" Skylark held a hand up, "The basics of fae fighting. You trained in the ways of your father, now it's time to train in the way of your Mother." After that, the training continued, and it was nothing like Krystal had done before.

How long passed, Krystal didn't know, but eventually, Krystal was sprawled on the floor breathing heavily. "I'm impressed. You learn quickly, Krystal." Skylark stood over Krystal, hands on his hips, barely a gleam of sweat on him. Krystal, on the other hand, was covered in dirt and bruises from falling, receiving kicks and punches from Skylark that Krystal had failed to miss, and various sparring matches that the two had to see if Krystal knew how to apply what she learned into a fight. "Come on, up." Offering a hand, Skylark gave Krystal an expectant look. The prince's hand was rough when Krystal took it, catching her off guard, but Krystal firmly grabbed Skylark's hand anyway and let him pull her to her feet. "Are you two done for today, then?" the door behind Skylark opened and Kieran walked in, walking right up to Skylark. Kieran had changed from the usual black leather to a red-brown. "I need to speak to you, Skylark, a meeting has been called in the mortal realm." Krystal straightened and thought of all the letters stashed away under the bed in her quarters. The thought of Skylark delivering them bounced around in Krystal's mind, but eventually, Krystal shot it down. "Krystal, take tomorrow off." Skylark's voice drew Krystal out of her head and she blinked, "Huh, what? Oh! Okay..." The two studied her for a moment, before walking away. Leaving Krystal alone to think about what to do with all that time tomorrow.

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