The VIPs

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Niko's POV

"Have you gathered enough information about this strip club," there was a pause from Vulcan, "Olive and Twist and Strips?" He laughed at the name.

"Yeah, I have." I threw the paperwork on his desk. I had everything, down to the last picture of girls entering the club, bagged, and gagged and often leaving the club with different men. They never return when they leave and where they go was a mystery since I haven't been given enough personnel to follow. I'd help but Hades was only willing to give so many resources.

I was Hades' 3rd degree bitch. Anytime he felt like something needed to be investigated when regarding a high-class, low class or even a demigod I had to step in and check it out. Hades doesn't leave the underworld much, ever since Persephone left.

All and all it was a good thing for me, I could spend more time on Earth in his penthouse he never uses and have a little fun with the willing girls. A vacation from hell, not bad if you ask me.

"Alright," Vulcan spoke, I'll contact Hermes so he will be the witness and Ares for the manpower. Do you really think a god is involved in this though? Seems a bit human activity to me," Vulcan rubbed his eyes. He had spent way too much time forging relics for the higher ups, now he transferred out so he could do something different along with taking on his nickname-Vulcan. It took a lot of pleading from Hera since she was her son and her favorite. Vulcan was one of the most generous and kinder of the gods, even though he was not considered the most beautiful. To any human he would still be a catch.

"That's what I thought too," I pulled out a folder an opened it up to page 87. "This here gives me a feeling in my gut." I had circled an item that was being held by the owner of the club, John Oliver. It was a large helmet, one that could have been easily mistaken for just an acting prop, but it wasn't.

"This isn't," Vulcan spoke in shock.

"It is!" I said with excitement. "The Helm of Darkness."

"Hades needs to know about this," Vulcan stared at the picture in disbelief. The Helm of Darkness was Hades way of making himself invisible, only a few had dared to wear it, those that wear it with out permission became dark from the inside out and there would be hope to gain mercy back from the gods.

"I agree, will you call him?" I begged.

"The fuck, no!" Vulcan said exacerbated. "We have been friends for ages but each day he gets worse and worse. I can hardly keep my own calm demeanor around him. He just reeks of hatred. I don't like to associate myself with that." Vulcan sat back and drank a sip of his coke. "I love the guy, but it isn't healthy for me, even my therapist said so."

"Therapist?" I said sarcastically. "You are such a pussy."

"I've had a lot on my plate right now, you leave my therapist out of this!" he yelled as he pointed his worn finger at me.

Just then, Hermes and Ares walked into the door. Hermes' blonde shaggy hair was unkept as always. His boyish features evident and he pranced over and hopped in the chair. Ares looked stoic, only his close friends like us knew his playful nature.

"Glad of you all to show up," I spat playfully and gave them pats on the back.
"We'd been here sooner but Hermes has started to loose his touch," Ares eyes lingered on Hermes. Hermes held his hand to his chest. "I can't help it that you weigh 300 some pounds of muscle, I'm not meant to carry that much. Messages people, messages. I am the MESSENGER. Not a freaking taxi." Ares laughed out loud as he slapped his leg.

"Alright, enough, down to business. The club we are going to opens in a few and we need to give you the run down what's going to happen." I quickly explained to Hermes and Ares the background on how the Helm of Darkness was being used in a human trafficking/strip club. They were shocked, they had frequented the club many times and never caught a thing. I was to only monitor several strip clubs in my region for any fishy behavior of gods or demigods taking advantage female humans. I never thought I would stumble on this.

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