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Hades' POV

"Fuck," I fell back into the couch. My fists again in their tightened grip, a debilitating headache was coming on and it was all due to my insolence.

I had just come back from talking to Gwen, she had just woken up from her slumber. I was hoping she would be more accepting of me but of course the fates were not on my side. Gwen was petrified. Once I left the room and had Niko explain what was going on, she wasn't as scared of me. Her heart was at a steadier of a pace. Her innocent eyes looked up at me in question and wonder as I kept my hand held out to her.

She didn't want to touch me, and I didn't blame her.

My face has had a permanent scowl fix on it since Persephone left me, but now she was starting to become a fleeting memory. My heart didn't ache for her, it ached for Gwen. Damn Selene, what have you done?

Gwen reached out her tiny hand to shake mine and the warmth radiating from such a small person gave me warmth. The end of my lips began to tip upward, causing Niko to smile like a damn fool. Even though he was a demon, he certainly had his own personality that was brighter than the rest of them. Some days I wonder if I accidently created an angel half breed.

Small sparks were felt on my fingertips, I wonder if she felt it too. Her hand was still cupped in mine as she continued to stare at our hands. Maybe she did feel it.

"Gwen? Do you feel up to a shower? Get cleaned up?" Niko interrupted our moment. I gave him a glare in which he rolled his lips into his mouth realizing his mistake. Gwen looked between me and Niko, unsure of what to say. "I-is that alright?" she finally looked at me.

"Of course, it is. I clasped my other hand on top of hers. "What ever you need, say the word. I'll personally see to it," my voice was still low and gruff, but she gave a small smile. We certainly had a long way to go but since I've got eternity, that didn't seem to be a problem.

Gwen's POV

After much deliberation if I needed a maid to assist me in showering, it was decided I could do it on my own. After I mentioned I had never taken a shower by myself without people watching, Hades stormed off while Niko showed me how to work the controls. Usually, it was just a spicket of cold water that would rush down our bodies, it was all I really knew. The warm water was refreshing, and I never wanted to leave.

Drying off, I came out of the shower and wrapped a large fluffy towel around me. It was so large it wrapped around almost three times. The floor rugs were equally squishy and soft, it brought a smile to my lips. Even if I could sleep on this fluffy rug, I would be forever grateful.

Niko continued to talk about how they rescued me, how the strip club was burned down and that even Master- I mean John Oliver died of a heart attack during the raid. I was happy that the girls were all free, but where did that leave me? Why did they take me and leave the rest?

Given the run around for the past 15 minutes why they picked me to stay with them, Niko had me come out to meet the rest of the men that helped shut down the club. All I was wearing was one of Hades' large black shirts that I easily could swim in. They touched my knees while his boxers continued to fall. Luckily my hairband was still tied to my wrist and I was able to tie them tight.

The penthouse we were staying in was massive. We were on the top floor overlooking the brightly lit city. It was far from the strip club, on the upper east side of town. This was where the high rollers lived as the girls would say.

The main living room was bright, the floors were a light marble and sparsely furnished. The open concept kitchen had black granite tops and a stainless-steel appliance. My mouth must have dropped at looking at it all because I heard Hermes laughing. "There's the angel! It's good to see you standing there, the doctor said you wouldn't be walking for a few days due to lack of food in your system." Hermes patted my shoulder and I gave him a small smile. Little did everyone know; I could go for days and days with out food. My body had just grown accustomed to it.

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