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Hades's POV

Once his finger grazed her skin, I saw red. Anger flew through my veins as I snapped my fingers. Darkness fell upon the entire club and a 3-block radius. Darkness was something that I was accustomed to, it was where I worked, where I thrived. In darkness I could accomplish the most abhorrent things. Take life from one of the living souls that tainted the Earth. I was the only god granted this power, the power of death and the underworld demanded it. Not even Zeus himself could take life, many could say I was the stronger god, and indeed I was. I just didn't let it be known to all.

There were screams as the club were in darkness, with the snap of my fingers, Gwen fell asleep falling into Niko's arms. My body was repulsed that he would hold her to his chest. I slowly walked the steps, the emergency lights guiding me to the stage. Every soul stood in fear, along with my gods and demon. Niko looked up to me in fear, fear that I was going to put harm upon this innocent woman. My jaw ticked and I held my arms out to pick her up.

John Oliver stood barely to my shoulders as he stood quietly as I carried her with one arm under her legs and the other behind her back. She was cradled into my chest, her light breaths brushing my neck. Feeling an instant calm come over me, I knew I had to complete the mission as set out originally to do.

"Mr. Oliver, I need a word with you. Immediately." My voice was low and thick. If it weren't for finding the Helm he would have been dead the moment he thought about touching her.

"Y-yes sir, this way."

Niko, Hermes, Ares and Vulcan stood in shock as I took Gwen with me to the back. I looked back at them and nodded my head. That was their que to free the girls from their bondage, while Niko followed me to the back to carry on with our plan. There was going to be a bon fire tonight.

John led us to his office, covered in papers, stains and food. The man had no pride in his things, all he saw was dollar signs. Niko walked in the room and took off his jacket and laid it on the couch as I gently laid Gwen on it while I laid my own jacket on top of her naked skin.

She looked so peaceful sleeping, small puffs of breath came from her lips and her eyelashes twitched in movement. Moving a piece of stray hairs from her face I felt the warm tingle go through my fingers. She was breath taking and I wanted her.

I wanted her to be, mine.

Standing up, I unbuttoned my cuff links and rolled up my sleeves. John was looking rather disheveled as he sat behind his desk. The worry lines on his face made him look older and his face larger, if possible. The lights were flickering on off from the emergency lights. No doubt because he never has them serviced.

Niko stood by Gwen, protecting her. Still not aware of his intentions I gave him low growl in warning as he took a few steps away from her. His head was bowed, and a smirk played on his lips. Brushing my hair back, the clicking of my Italian leather shoes stopped to the front of John's desk, leaning over with my hands as support I spoke to the snake in front of me, "Where. Is. The. Helm." I said deeply low. His shaking became worst as spoke of the relic.

"I-I don't know what you are talking about," he sputtered like the pussy he was. I chuckled darkly and ripped the fake hair from his head. "Oh, but you do, I have on good account you do know where it is, John Oliver." John winced and rubbed his head.

"Do you know who I am?" I raised to a standing position, crossing my arms. My eyes were a blaze, my eyes immediately turning into a glowing red. Dark smoke was falling from my 6'7'' frame. The fire in my fingertips were oozing, setting small pieces of his paperwork ablaze.

"A-a demon?" He cried, almost wetting himself. His body was shaking uncontrollably.

"No, no, no..." I rounded the desk, taunting him. "I am the king of the demons," I elongated a claw and scratched the hardwood finish off his desk as I neared. John's breath became harsh, his heart beating quickly. It was only a matter of time before he had a heart attack, just has the fates had predicted before arriving here.

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