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Hades' POV 

Gwen' big blue eyes looked into my fire and instantly melted it away. Only steam remained as breathed in her scent. She smells of cinnamon and a warm fire, it comforted me to no end. Her angelic voice, her first real sentence to me had my rage extinguished to just a mere smolder.

Her hand in mine squeezed me gently it was barely noticeable. My hand could easily crush her and yet she continued to bring me reassurance that everyone had bad days. She was becoming my light of my darkness and she doesn't know the affect she has on me.

Gwen's small smile starts to fade and the small grip she had on my hand begins to fall. "I'm.." she spoke but doesn't have time to finish because her eyes instantly close and begins to fall. I quickly grab her and pull her to my arms as we sit on the floor by the massive window. The sounds of clacking Italian shoes enter the room along with heavy breathing.

"The fuck did you do?" Ares yelled. I didn't look at him as I held her.

"She passed out, her body is weak," I growled. I didn't want to acknowledge it but in my cold heart I knew all of this, all her suffering was my fault. If I had only listened to Selene, I would have protected her, saved her from the life she has been living but my blackened heart failed to see reason. At the time I thought I didn't need her, but now I do.

Picking her up gently, cradling her head into my chest, her arm was dangling at her side, I walked through the crowded doorway. "Where are you taking her, Hades?" Niko spoke harshly. Stopping me in my tracks, I turned my head over my shoulder and glared at him.

Niko was my demon; he may be one of my best demons I've ever created but he was crossing a line. He has had explicit instructions to never use my name in front of others. "The fuck you call me?" Black smoke started to fizzle around my body. Niko step back and got on his knees and fell to the floor.

"I'm sorry, My Lord, please forgive me. I'm only thinking of Gwen." I growled so loudly the windows began to shake along with the broken china on the floor.

"If you have any value in your life, you will stop your obsession with her," I grasped onto her tightly. "She is my mate and your future Queen, do you understand me, demon?" Niko continued to shake in fear. I've gotten rid of his best friend only a few hundred years ago for calling out my name in public.

"Yes, yes I'm sorry. Thank you for your mercy," he begs. I continued to walk up the stairs and into the master bedroom. I didn't want to let her out of my sight right now. She calms me and I'm sure our bond will only grow stronger when we stay close. However, duty calls and a plan to take her back with me needs to be in place.

Laying her on the bed, I put the covers over her to make sure she was comfortable before I headed back down the stairs. Niko was sitting on the couch with his hands on his head while Ares, Hermes and Vulcan were talking in hushed tones.

"Meeting, now," I demanded as we headed to the dining room. The dining room doubled as a conference room since I never had guests to dine with anyway. "Sit." I commanded as they entered.

I leaned back in my chair; feet propped up on the table looking over the lighted city before me. Rubbing the stubble on my chin I let out a large sigh while feeling the heated gaze of my, 'friends.'

"I leave back for the underworld tomorrow; I'm taking Gwen with me." Hermes stands to protest but I throw up my hand, "She will be safer with me than on Earth."

"You're right," Hermes says, and I raise a brow. Is he fucking with me? "There has been a disturbance in the Celestial realm." Ares bangs the table.

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