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Hades POV

"Alright, men, let's get down to business," I spoke as I poured myself a glass of scotch. The dinner went well, and Gwen wasn't as terrified of me as she was the past few days. I felt relaxed and was able to enjoy the company of others rather than wallow in self-loathing.

"Right," Niko spoke rubbing his brow. He had been staying away from Gwen as per-request, hell, demand is more like it; but I still didn't trust the little bastard. She saw him as a friend, and I had to respect that eventually. Once she was officially mine and bonded to me then she could have him as a friend. Maybe. "As far as I could tell from the torture demons John Oliver never used the Helm. After some research I realized no human can wear the Helm with out becoming completely dark and eventually dying by suicide due to the magical qualities of the metal. He just kept it in his desk at all times, per request of the man who used it."

I rubbed my chin while Hermes jumped his leg up and down on the chair. "What about Novus?" His eyes went to the window. "Novus is an angel, why the Tartarus was he doing there at the strip club trying to buy Gwen? That isn't his jurisdiction." Hermes shook his head.

"Maybe he was trying to rescue her, saw us as a threat. You know Angels don't trust demons and, sorry no offence, the God of the Underworld," Vulcan added.

"Then why didn't he save any of the other girls?" Ares flexed his muscles as he played with his dagger. "It doesn't make sense; he was going after Gwen for a reason."

"We should check into Novus then first," I quipped. "He is our prime suspect, the Helm and Gwen are linked and I want to know why." Niko nodded his head as he wrote a few notes on the paper. "I'll get on that, my Lord. I will have to go back to Earth and get permission to question a few angels."

"Do what you must, Niko. Be discrete, I don't want people knowing what we are doing right now. She's still in danger being here." Niko nodded and left the room.

Hermes, Ares, and Vulcan fell into casual conversation, speaking of any demons they took to a liking as they have officially returned to the Underworld since my unbearable attitude as changed. We had all be great friends before Persephone and during the time I tried to court her but once she was gone, my life was meaningless. To fill the void, I worked out in a gym that Ares frequented but he became too scared of me to even work out with me. Vulcan, the calmer of us moved to Earth along with Hermes to deal with our interactions with demi-gods that get out of line.

"Master," I heard through the link that Cerberus and I share.

"Is Gwen alright?" I panicked.

"Oh, she is great alright," Cerberus chuckled. "She just came out of the shower in a damn towel holy shit."

"Cerberus," I growled. "You do not look at her."

"She's gonna drop it, holy Kronos. She's changing in front of me. Those milky legs that round ass, Zeus all mighty," he sang.

"CEREBRUS!" I couldn't take it anymore I willed myself into Cerberus' body to find that Gwen was asleep with her arm around him.

"Master, that was too easy." I let out a heavy sigh.

"If she didn't like you so much, I'd make you stand at the gates of the Underworld again."

"But you won't, because she loves me," Cerberus snickered. "That's not all she said though." I nudged him while he paused, and he chuckled at me. "She thinks you are devilishly handsome and has warm feelings toward you even though she thinks she shouldn't." My smile widened, she thought I was handsome. Thank Kronos because I was getting worried. Women would bow at my feet, but she never did.

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