His Mate

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Hades POV

I rolled my eyes in frustration. What the hell does this woman want. The first time she visits me of her entire existence only to tell me that Persephone was not to be mine. Now, she comes to the underworld for a second time, 1000 years later to brag about it more. The nerve of the damn woman.

For years I have heard of the 'wonders,' that this woman has done to the supernatural world as well as the Olympian gods. She was granted the gift of finding the missing piece of every supernatural and it was working so well, she decided to expand her prospects into her own world, with the gods. In my opinion, everyone was damn well happy before her. Zeus had his whores; Poseidon had his conquests and I had Persephone. The one thing I ever fought over in this dull, rancid life that I had for my own.

Even though I was the oldest of the three major gods, I chose to be down here. To live in my own world away from Earth, the humans and away from the celestial glory of all the other gods. It was quiet down here when I wanted it to be, now mostly you can hear screams in the night of those left in Tartarus.

"What do you want, Selene," I spat out her name with venom. The woman better hurry up, I had better things to do than listen to the shit she has to say. She doesn't even have her own mate.

"Like I said, I've come to bring you good news," she took a few steps forward and a poof of a cloud popped up behind her has she sat down. She laid on it and plucked a grape from a small bowl that had appeared.

My jaw ticked, "what of it? Speak up so you can show yourself out." Selene groaned in frustration as she sat back up and dusted of the invisible dirt from her hand. "Fine, you are no fun." Selene stood up again and started walking up the steps to my throne. The demons beside me started to cower and back away, knowing I wasn't in the mood to tolerate such insolence.

Once she stood beside me, she leaned over to whisper in my ear. "Your mate has been born!" Selene stood up happily and clapped her hands in excitement. The giddy cheerleader gig was not something I was a fan over. Gripping my glass tightly, I drank the whisky in one shot and put it down lightly on the throne. Servants continued to back away, knowing this was the calm before the storm.

"What. Of. It." I growled each word individually.

"I just thought you should know! We got on such a bad foot and I wanted to make sure you knew so you could search for her. I can even show you who she is now," she lifted her hand to make a magical portal appear, but I slammed my glass to the floor as I stood up.

"I'll have NOTHING to do with you and your mate shit," the castle grounds began to shake, and the servant demons ran in fear. Selene frowned and waved her hand, making sure I couldn't see the child that was destined to be his soul mate.

Selene showed no fear, because she was protected, protected by most of the gods on Olympus due to most of them having found their mates. I knew my outburst wouldn't do anything to her, but my temper had grown through out they years and even the concubines had grown fearful of me. No one had the aura of my Persephone.

Selene walked back down the throne stairs and tutted when I sat back down. "Do what you will Hades, you only get one soul mate." I gripped my fist in anger feeling my claws scraping against the palm of my hand. I could love no one more than I could have loved Persephone, that I was sure.

As Selene neared the exit of the throne room, she grabbed the door and looked back at me. There was sympathy in her eyes, but I dared not look into her eyes any longer as she spoke. "The longer you take to accept that you have a mate to claim, the harder it will be for her to accept you." With that, Selene walked out the door like she was never there.

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