Get Out

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Hades POV

"Son of a bitch!" I yelled into the hall as Magna ran down the hallway. Transporting at the end of the hall before she could reach the corner, I gripped her neck roughly and squeezed. Her hands automatically went to her neck as she tried to scratch off my hands.

I am the king of pain, think that is going to do anything to me? I threw her up against the wall, she winces at the contact. Breaking her neck would be so easy, just one flick of my finger and her spine would be disconnected with her head. "The fuck do you think you are doing Magna?" I growled out frustrated. Gwen could have read so much into those few words that the whore said. Hell, she probably thinks I'm trying to get her well to treat her like one of the maids.

"I'm.. s-orry, my... King, I was just...thought..." she sputtered. I slammed her head back into the wall, leaving an indentation. "That's thing though Magna, you DON'T THINK!" Footsteps were running down the hall the greet us, if they knew what was best, they would back off, my mood was already sour and the time had come to teach this bitch a lesson.

"My Lord," it was Niko. "Gwen is requesting you."

"Gwen," I whispered as I let the name roll over my tongue. Even her name sooths my anger. The rage building inside me became just a dull rumble.

I let go of Magna who falls to the floor, her high stiletto shoes caused her to wince as she tried to stand up. She fell twice more before she was able to gain her footing.

"Let this be a lesson to you, I don't want any whores in my palace any longer. Pack your stuff and head to the village." Magna bowed her head respectfully and ran off down the hall. "Did you hear that Niko? Make sure all of them are gone, every single one. Even the ones you have fucked, I don't want them here." Niko nodded his head and I headed back down the hallway to her room. Niko trotting behind me.

Knocking a few times, I opened the door to see Gwen pacing back and forth. "Gwen what's wrong?" My voice went from raging fury to calm and soothing in a matter of seconds. Is that what it is like when you are so enthralled with someone?

"I heard screaming, are you alright?" Her sapphire eyes looked up at me with worry. I couldn't help the small smile on my face. "Of course, Gwen. Just some servants getting into a bit of a brawl." I could feel Niko's eyes roll behind me. He's lucky that Gwen has taken a liking to him.

"Has a maid tended to you to help you with the shower?" Gwen blushed and moved her foot around like she was being scolded. Damn, she's adorable. "N-no, I was just going to have Niko show me the shower, I can get ready on my own." I held back a growl as I fixed my collar. Niko took a few steps back and left the room. He shouldn't be anywhere near her.

"Here, Gwen, I can show you." I walk into the bathroom with my hand on the small of her back and show her how to use the knobs like I did at the penthouse. How sad it is to take the small things for granted. I'm sure she has never watched a day of television in her life let alone listen to music that isn't for strippers.

Once settled, I headed back into the hallway to speak with the servants of the palace.

Gwen passing out in my arms was both a blessing and a burden. A blessing so I was able to have us all transport here instead of making her fall asleep myself. I don't want to have to use my power on my mate, she should have free agency to fall asleep when and where she wants. It still pained me to see her pass out so quickly as she did.

Her body stayed dormant, and I held her for as long as it could until we arrived at the palace. The doctor made sure to take note of how bad off her bones and body are. She may be close to 20 years old, but her body is small, and her bones are soft. There will be many medications including IV therapy to get her back to a normal state. Not to mention the amount of food she is going to have to ingest.

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