The Hired Help

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Gwen's POV

He was so angry I almost saw steam come off his body. His friends went from fighting stance to defensive as he took the stairs two, three and four at a time. He strides were long with his lengthy legs and his team almost shuttered in fear. One hand was on his towel, so it didn't fall down and his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Did you tell her to make this?" He slung his hand at the table, veins protruding from his neck. They all shook their heads but Hades advanced, getting ready to grab Hermes by his neck.

"Stop!" I screamed. "I-I made it. I'm sorry." I kept my arms up from anyone hitting me in the head, when I've seen John angry, I knew it he was going to hurt me or someone else. Hades' fury was halted as his eyebrows softened. The veins in his neck retracted and his muscles were no longer bulging out of his body. "Gwen," he whispered. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean," his fist balled up again and he turned around, to storm up the stairs while holding his towel and slammed the door.

My body was still shaking on the floor until Niko ran into the room, hair wet and clad only in a bathrobe. "What happened?" Niko frantically looked around the room and saw me on the floor. Running to me he grabbed me and pulled me up, my eyes were threatening to let the tears fall but once Niko sat me in the chair, I felt much calmer since Hades' glare was no longer on me.

"Hades blew a gasket," Hermes came to the table to sit down. "Don't worry Gwen, he would never hurt you, he's just angry you made breakfast."

"But why? I was trying to be nice," I muttered.

"Doesn't matter, he doesn't want you working," Ares poured himself some juice. "You have worked all your life and he wants you resting, not trying to tend to us fools even though your breakfast is fucking amazing. The hell? Is that French toast?" Ares grabs a few and piles it on his plate. I smile genuinely for the first time in ages and Niko catches it.

"You alright there, Princess?" I wiped my mouth from the orange juice.

"Yeah, I've just never seen someone so excited over French toast," I chuckle.

"Shit, I hardly ever eat carbs, not good for the bod," Ares starts to rub his abs and starts to flex while chewing with his mouth open. He was the most muscular out of the group, but far too much for my taste. I could see him working out all hours of the day to maintain his bulk.

"Do you think, I could go outside today, Niko?" Niko rubs his chin and thinks.

"I'll need to ask boss man, but I'm sure he would love to take you out, but I think he was wanting to make the trip home today."

Home, that means he was leaving. A bit of my heart hurt to her that. Hades had saved me from the worst place and now he had to go back to his own life. He seems so successful especially if his clothes said anything about him. A high-class job, family maybe even a wife, a dog or two to go back home for. If anything, I should be grateful, I was selfish to think that he would let me stay as long he did.

I don't know why I was a bit attached to him, he comforted me last night, that was the first comfort I have ever felt in a long time. In fact, I don't remember a mother's comfort. The adrenaline of my nightmare, the fear that is still within me fueled my need to be held by him and his warm embrace. It was nothing more, nothing more than someone there that allowed me to latch on to have one night of peace.

"Oh, well I am most appreciative of what he has done for me. I'm really indebted to all of you, I hope to pay you all back someday once I get a job."

"There will be no job, Gwen." Hades was in his full suit, walking down the stairs. His brows were still bunched up in anger, but the permanent frown was now just a think line. "You are coming back with me, to my home."

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