Closing Case

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Chaeyoung's POV

We stepped foot inside a stark white warehouse. Standing sturdily and huge with lots of machines and technologies veiled by the governments. I wonder which company would sponsor loads of money in developing all of these, I thought while walking alongside inspector Eunwoo and inspector Tzuyu until we arrived at the front of an elevator. Eunwoo hovered the card above the scanner and the door slides open.

"Have you checked for prints on these elevator's buttons?" I asked as we stepped inside, and I pointed at those glowing lime buttons. "Nde, we have. But the prints, we found here, were all belonged to the deceased guards who was killed by the intruder." Eunwoo answered with confidence and charm coming from his voice.

I glanced over to Tzuyu to my right, "Chou geomsa, I appreciate you for coming with us today. And I apologise for putting you up in this difficult case because it is Cha geomsa's personal request."

"Nde, chujang-nim. Gwaenchanseumnida." I chuckled softly looking at Tzuyu bowing slightly. The elevator sounded a loud ding and the doors opened, leading us to an ominous hallway even though it was well lit.

"There were four guards who faced the intruder directly, and one was kept alive. As you can see here—" Eunwoo moved his gaze around the floors and walls stained with blood, "—the blood splatters give us a sign that the intruder must've had some sort of firearm but—" Before he continues, Eunwoo grabbed his small notebook from his pocket and opened it.

"—there were no bullet caps found in the scene nor gunpowder residue. And according to the autopsy results, the bullet wound found piercing their skulls were 9mm caliber bullets which is a common handgun for police officers in south Korea—" Eunwoo closed his notebook and walked towards officer Jeongyeon. "For example, this glock 17 that officer Jeongyeon is using." Eunwoo unsheathed the pistol from Jeongyeon's holster to make a point.

"So, it is possible that our intruder is from the police department." I suddenly stopped breathing for a moment and felt my heart skipped a beat as I look at Sam Chil whom, the culprit behind all this, I already know is. "Today, I've also gathered the genius professors behind all the inventions we've seen so far." I turned around and saw a group comprising of men and women wearing white coats walking towards us.

"This is Son chujang-nim." Eunwoo introduced me to group of scientists working at this place. "Pleased to meet you, Son Chujang-nim. My name is Robert Siebenwirth and I am the lead of this researching team." The guy whose name's Robert, put his hand out for a handshake and I took it while the rest of his team introduce themselves one by one.

"I was informed by Cha geomsa-nim that you have received a command from your higher-ups to solve this case as quick as possible so there wouldn't any data leaked by whoever this intruder is."

"Nde, Robert Yeonguwon-nim." I replied, letting go of his handshake. "Geuraeso, is there something we could help you with, Son chujang-nim?"

"Nde, Robert yeonguwon-nim. I'll be sure to ask you if there's anything you could help us with." I smiled and slightly nodded my head. "Geureomyeon, I'll leave the case to your care. We still have a lot of things to work with." And after he said it, Robert and his team left us.


Tzuyu's POV

"Alright, everyone. Look around for clues or evidence." Eunwoo clapped his hands to dismiss us, and I saw Chaeyoung approaching Jeongyeon and the new recruit. "Sam Chil, do you mind if we talk for a second?" I heard Chaeyoung's voice as I walked around to look for overlooked evidence.

"Cha geomsa-nim!" Eunwoo hummed to my call, "did the witness say anything other than the intruder's attire?" I asked. "Nde, that's the only thing the witness had told us. Waeyo?"

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