The Crimson Flare

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Your POV

"Annyeong, chujang-nim." There was a man in white standing in front of us surrounded by two squad of soldiers. With his sinister grin, he put his hand in the air as a sign to hold fire for the soldiers who are ready with their rifles.

"Large caliber rifles detected."

My computer highlighted all the rifles brought by the soldiers and showed the details of the rifle. Desert Tech MDR? How did they get their hands on those American rifles? I thought and my computer proceeded with tracing the serial numbers and traced it back to find where they got their deals on such splendid rifles. Pact between South Korean and Americans on arms and knowledge trades? I read the details of the rifles transactions while the man in white snapped his fingers and laser lines were directed at us.

"Sam Chil-ah, what do we do now?" Jeongyeon noona whispered while my computer scanned the face of the man in white and recognized it as the man in charge of the entire facility, Robert Siebenwirth.

"Robert Siebenwirth. Age 55. Occupation Research expert of Human Physiology and Anatomy."

"Gyosu-nim? Why are you escorted with two squad of soldiers?" Chaeyoung asked as I glanced at her to see her body stiff at all the rifles pointing towards us. "Of course to lay a trap and catch the intruder, but I didn't expect for you to be a part of them." With a murky expression, Robert flicked his finger in the air and four soldiers stepped forward to arrest us.

Jeongyeon and Chaeyoung tried to resist, nudging and shoving the soldiers away while I submissively gave myself in. My computer continued to analyse the whole facility marking each individual that could be a threat. "Y-YAH! Let go of me!! Don't you know I have a high rank in the police department?! I could—"

A gunfire was shot and turning towards where it was coming, I saw Chaeyoung's suit got a spot of red that grew ever so slowly.

"Subject injured."

My computer highlighted the bullet inside Chaeyoung's chest, buried few centimetres deep. I gulped at the sight of the red spot spreading all over her torso and I felt my body heating up. My ocular turned to a shade of deep red as I slowly lose my consciousness.

"Initiating Auto Combat."


Jeongyeon's POV

A loud gunfire was released as I tried to struggle from the harshness of the soldier hands tying mine together. I flinched at the loud bang and turned towards the sound coming from to see Son chujang-nim's upper body slowly covered in red.

"CHAEYOUNG!!" Sam Chil's scream came from the left and continued with a loud thump of metal which my head whipped towards where it is coming from. Two soldiers who tried to hold Sam Chil were left on the ground, leaving a huge dent and cracks on the ground. My eyes widened at the horrifying surprise that I found as a few other soldiers tried to hold him down, but their efforts were in vain. And then, I saw the red in his eyes. It was glowing. And the glow was crimson-like.

Sam Chil started to levitate and his back. His back cracked open resembling a set of wings and from it, emitted beams of light. The beam travelled through the air piercing the eye sockets of the soldiers and severing limbs and made me closed my eyes in terror of those beams will pierced mine too.

I could hear the wailing agony of the soldiers and the loud thuds of their bodies falling to the ground along with the loosening tightness around my wrist. Listening to this disaster my body went stiff like wood as I prayed to God for my safety. The wailing, grunting, and whimpering of pain didn't stop there as I listened to the last body falling onto the ground making the last thud of the disaster which just happened.

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