05 | Friends Again?

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I need to walk away from Adrian. It's the only way to settle the chaos in my mind. The party continues to rage on as I squeeze my way through the sweaty crowd on the dance floor. My eyes search for a familiar black-haired, doe-eyed girl, but Olivia is nowhere around. I punch in her number with my trembling fingers, not pausing until I'm outside Liam's house. I wait for her to pick my call, but she doesn't. I try again.

Still no response.

My patience wears out, and I type in a quick text to her.

Me: I'm heading home. Be safe.

I know she will be safe since she's with Noah. Apart from Adrian, the only other decent guy on the soccer team is their keeper, Noah.

The cool night air hits my face, followed by cold drizzling rain splatters as I step on the street. The clouds grumble above me, breaking the last of my resolve. A shiver travels down the length of my body, and I hug my arms around myself. The icy raindrops find their way beneath the thin fabric of my dress, making it difficult not to feel the chills in my bones.

My stomach feels heavy once again with the realization of my sloppy behavior. Instead of dealing with my problems with an open and positive mind, I decided to get drunk and put myself in a questionable situation with a guy I hardly know. I think about the worst that could've happened to me tonight if Adrian wouldn't be there for me.

With a stealing breath, I gather my senses which aren't under the haze of alcohol and hop across the street. It's almost midnight, and this side of the road, with the brick house along the line, is relatively quiet. I don't know why I'm walking in the rain, drenched from head to toe and trembling, but somehow it helps me get rid of the bone-crushing anxiety.

After a few thoughtless strides, I hear the purring of the engine from behind. The thundering sound of the motorcycle is enough for me to guess who is riding it. I squeeze my eyes and keep walking as the sound of his approach gets louder. He motors towards me at a speed only he can manage to straddle the beast of a motorbike and halts on the curb beside me.

I spin around to spot Adrian. His eyes are on my face as he turns off the engine and steps out of the bike. The black T-shirt clings to his muscular torso, dripping sodden under the rain. I try to ignore the messy brown hair that falls in sexy soaked strands across his brow as he takes off his helmet, but I fail as he stands in front of me with a deep frown.

"What the hell are you doing, V?"

"Walking home." I spit through clattering teeth.

He releases a scowl, looking at me with commanding eyes. "Well, get on the bike. I will drop you."

I blink through the freezing drizzle. "I don't want to. Please leave me alone, Adri. I can't handle your obnoxious self right now."

He takes a step closer to me, pushing back some of his wet hair. "I'm only trying to protect you."

"Don't you get it? I don't want you to be my knight in shining armor."

"I'm sorry, V."

My head jerks back with the sudden softness in his voice. It feels like I've heard him speak to me in that tone ages ago. "I don't want your apology, Adri. Just let me be. You have no idea how I'm feeling right now."

"Then tell me. Talk to me, V." He whispers, brushing away a salty trail with his thumb. His eyes, which somehow resemble the apple Jolly Rancher, and the way he can see my tears against the rain, flutters my heart. But I pull away from his touch.

My lung seizes, and I swipe my tongue on my wobbly lips as anxiety creeps through me, sudden and uncontrolled. Adrian's fingers are gentle as he brushes them against my wet cheeks and holds my face in both of his palms.

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