9: This Is So Going To Get Set On Private...

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Gerard actually felt a twinge of remorse as he sunk his teeth into this strange man's neck, which was not an emotion he usually associated towards humans whatsoever, but this one was different.

He had saved Gerard's life, because if those bullets hadn't been removed from his flesh, it wouldn't have jump-started his healing abilities enough for him to be able to have awakened, and Gerard would be dead right now.

He owed this man everything, and if there was any possible alternative, Gerard would have set out in search of someone else to drink from tonight, but he was still weak, and he needed to feed now before he collapsed again; still - Gerard hated the fact that he was repaying him for his act of kindness by feeding off of him.

The guilt bothered him, mostly because it was such a new sensation - a rather unpleasant one at that, and it was interrupting the magnificent flow of blood that was currently pouring down his throat. This stranger tasted exquisite - better than any other human he had drunk from, no one else even came close in comparison.

That could be because his usual targets were drug addicts and prostitutes, their blood diluted with whatever foul substances they had pumped into their body that night, but it had never bothered Gerard before.

Now Gerard doubted he could ever drink from anyone else again, because this man tasted incredible. If he had to attempt to put words to the flavor flowing over his tongue, he would have sounded like an idiot. Blood was supposed to be coppery and warm - that was it, but this stranger's held so much more than just that.

It was hinted with vanilla and - as ridiculous as this sounded - sunshine, which was something Gerard had never experienced firsthand, otherwise he would have been a pile of ash right now, but that was the only term Gerard could call to mind to fit the tang that accompanied this stranger's blood.

Maybe it was all just a product of Gerard's extreme state of hunger, or maybe humans truly did have their own unique flavor when you branched out from drug addicts and whores, but either way, Gerard really didn't care right now, and he continued to drink his fill from this delicious source.

At first, the stranger's body had been tense with fear - which wasn't that surprising given the way Gerard had practically jumped him, but as the venom from Gerard's teeth made its way into his bloodstream, he relaxed, tilting his head to the side so Gerard could have better access to him, and he began pulling him closer instead of trying to shove him off.

When the man emitted a soft moan, Gerard lost himself in the joy of the moment, because this was the most pleasurable feeding he had partaken in.

The act of drinking blood was intended to be a very intimate thing; in the past, mates usually drank together, because the sheer lust of the act needed to be expelled in one way or another. Unmated vampires were usually left to compensate with their hand, unless the human blood slave took a fancy to them - in which case they could choose to offer themselves as a way to release the tension.

And Gerard would be lying if he said he didn't want this man; from what he had seen in the few moments he had been conscious - he was gorgeous - not to mention clean and completely sober, and Gerard's last few partners had been neither of those things.

The rational part of Gerard's mind told him that he should really rethink this, because this wasn't someone he had picked up from a bar that was desperate to go home with anyone that so much as looked in their direction, and taking advantage of the state his bite had put him into would be immoral to say the least.

He might not even be gay - or bisexual, and his current state of arousal could only be caused by the endorphins pumping throughout his blood stream, which would be a very awkward situation - not that this man was likely to remember it in the morning.

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