12: Pete Wentz - Boner Killer Extraordinaire

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Pete wasn't sure how long he stayed in that alley staring at the house and praying for the stranger to come back out. When the door did open, Pete's heart basically exploded in his chest, but he was quickly disappointed when he saw Lindsey emerge instead of his mate.

"Pete - come here," Lindsey called out, causing Pete to jump at least a foot in the air.

"Y-yes?" Pete stammered, trying to calm down and act slightly natural and not like he had just been caught being a total stalker by his coven leader.

"Stop trying to eavesdrop and go get Brendon for me - or Ryan, it doesn't fucking matter, Bert wants them to show the new boys around," she sighed, and even though Pete hadn't actually been eavesdropping - more like spying actually, he knew it was better not to argue with Lindsey, so he simply nodded in acknowledgment before rushing off to find his friend.

He wanted to talk to Brendon anyway, because he was mated, so he would know what to do, and Pete really needed advice since he had no idea how to act around someone he had never met that he was already in love with. Pete was awkward enough, and he really didn't want to make a fool of himself in front of his mate, so he hoped his friend would be able to help him with this.

Because even though people thought Pete didn't notice, he knew what they all thought of him. He was the weird one, the oddball, the freak, and he didn't want to come off that way to his mate if he could do anything about it.

Pete couldn't really help his reputation; it was mostly his mother's fault anyway, and even though Pete was a bit strange, he didn't deserve the glares and unwarranted scoffs that followed him everywhere.

Because even though Pete was different, and maybe slightly obnoxious at times, and he didn't seem to have a good brain to mouth filter - he wasn't insane, not like his mother, but everyone else had chosen to believe that he was, and there was nothing he could do about it.

Pete's mother had powers - well she used to, they didn't really work anymore, not after her mind had broken. In the past, she had been able to see accurate visions of the future, but when she had spied the oncoming purge in her thoughts, it had destroyed her sanity, and now instead of being the local oracle, she was simply a nut case.

Pete hadn't been born then, so he never knew his mother back when she had been normal, well - as normal as someone with mystical powers could be, but he had heard stories, and he really wished that he had gotten the chance to experience the person his mother used to be.

But he couldn't turn back time, so his impression of the woman who had birthed him was that she was crazy. She didn't even recognize Pete half of the time, and she had no idea who his father was, or at least - that's what she said, so Pete couldn't ask him for answers either.

But even though his mother was insane, she wasn't a bad person, and Pete tried his best to be a good son for her, but now that they had moved locations to a new coven, Bert kept her away from the general population, so he didn't see her very often anymore.

Pete was originally from the New York coven, and Lindsey had been much kinder to his mother, allowing her to stay with Pete and providing a caretaker for her so she wouldn't have to deal with the upkeep of the house alone.

But when they had been forced to move to New Jersey after the hunters found them, Pete's mother had been sequestered away in an old house on the outskirts of town guarded by Bert's men, and Pete didn't like them, so he avoided that area as much as he could.

Pete felt bad for his mother, but at the same time, he was relieved that she wasn't such a huge part of his life anymore. Honestly - she scared him, and Pete was terrified that he would end up like her one day; everyone else seemed to think so, even though had no powers to speak of - not yet anyway.

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