24: This Chapter Brought To You By A Lesson In Romantics By Mayday Parade

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*Fight Club spoilers if anyone hasn't watched the movie*

Gerard knocked on Frank's front door eagerly, practically bouncing back and forth from foot to foot as he waited for the younger man to answer, making sure to keep his senses alert despite his excitement. Gerard hadn't forgotten about the hunters that had almost taken his life, and although he was unsure if they were still in town or not, he was better off playing it safe, but luckily for him, he didn't sense anyone nearby besides the few people occupying the adjacent houses.

Just when Gerard had ascertained that he was in no danger of discovery for the time being, a soft creaking sound reached his ears, and when he turned around, there was Frank standing before him, but instead of looking surprised to see him, or even better, ecstatic, Frank seemed concerned, shooting Gerard a questioning glance before peering over Gerard's shoulder hastily as if he expected to spy someone else lurking behind him.

"What are you doing here?" Frank hissed softly, but Gerard could feel a bubble of happiness rippling along the bond they shared, informing him that Frank wasn't as put off by his random appearance as he seemed to be.

"I just wanted to see you," Gerard whispered, Frank's odd behavior inspiring his hushed tone. "I'm sorry, I know it is late...I can come back tomorrow if you want."

"No..." Frank paused suddenly when the familiar rumble of a car engine began to fill the otherwise silent air. "Get in - quickly."

"What's wrong?" Gerard asked warily as soon as Frank had the wooden door shut behind him, thrown off by the fact that Frank was practically thrumming with nervous energy, not to mention that it was taking all of the self-control Gerard possessed not to drag Frank's mouth onto his then and here.

"It's past curfew, that's what," Frank answered, his eyebrows furrowing as Gerard followed him into the living room slowly. "How did you even make it here without getting caught?" 

Honestly, Gerard was entirely clueless in regards to what Frank was speaking of, but whatever it was, it most likely was common knowledge to the human residents of this city, and if Gerard admitted to not knowing what Frank meant, it could cast some suspicion on him, and Gerard wasn't ready to explain what he was to Frank just yet, this was only their second official meeting after all.

"Is it?" Gerard questioned, pretending to peer over at the clock in mock confusion, "I must have lost track of the time...I can go if you want, I'll make sure to come by earlier tomorrow," Gerard sighed, not wanting to spend the next twenty-four hours without Frank, or even another minute, but Frank was obviously distressed, and Gerard would do anything to ensure his mate's happiness.

"No, I'm sorry, you just startled me is all, and I don't want you to leave, in fact, you should probably stay here until morning unless you want to risk the cops finding you on the streets after hours. I heard they are instantly arresting everyone now and considering them a murder suspect."

Gerard nodded slowly, his mind churning as he began to connect the hints Frank was giving him, coming to the conclusion that the oddly strict rules in this town were most likely related to the strange deaths that had brought the hunters here in the first place, in fact - he faintly recalled Sam and Dean complaining about a curfew now, but the main thing Gerard got out of this was that he now had the perfect excuse to spend the rest of the evening with Frank, which was a much better outcome than he had been expecting when he headed over here earlier.

"I'd like that," Gerard smiled softly, giving in to his body's wishes and gently pulling Frank into his arms, sighing softly when Frank immediately melted against him, his head burrowing into Gerard's t-shirt as he inhaled subtly. "I missed you," Gerard added on, basking in the way Frank's emotions spiked with joy as his words sunk in.

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