31: Broken Home

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"So almost everyone is here now," Sam remarked just to fill the silence, glancing down at Dean who was leaning against the Impala lazily, his eyes scanning the row of cars that were practically filling one side of the hotel parking lot which mostly belonged to other hunters.

"Yep," Dean replied with a smirk, his hands clenching into loose fists as he spoke, "we're going to take down a full coven this time, I can feel it - this is going to be New York all over again."

"If we can find it," Sam had to add on, because although they had gotten the other hunters gathered together, and they had spotted what they believed were at least four vampires hanging around town, they always managed to slip away before they could discover where they were coming from, leaving the brothers frustrated and increasingly agitated as the weeks dragged on with no real victory in sight.

Most of their successes had occurred thanks to their continued stake outs at the veterinary office, that was where the majority of the vampires had been hovering around, including the black-haired male that they'd almost killed during their last encounter with him, as well as a woman and two younger boys. Dean had been all for shooting them the second they were in a less populated area, but Bobby had managed to temper his violent instincts, pointing out that if they waited until one of them led them to their coven, it would be well worth it in the end.

The vampires were crafty though, and even if they didn't know they were being followed, they moved quickly, and often through the woods, leaving the hunters behind so far, but they were persistent. They already had teams scouring the forest for a likely location in which the vampires could survive the daylight in, and eventually, one of them would fuck up and reveal their hiding place, then another nest of the bloodthirsty creatures would finally be eradicated.

"I still think we should talk with that Iero dude, if we explained the situation, he might be able to help us," Dean suggested, leaving Sam to roll his eyes in exasperation since this wasn't the first time Dean had pressed this point.

"And I still say that's a last resort. We don't know how he would react, and even if we tell him we're just trying to catch a criminal and not a vampire, he's obviously friendly with them, so I doubt he'd be on our side."

"They've messed with his head, it's fucking sick," Dean scowled, his booted foot kicking idly at the gravel in a grating fashion, sending stray pebbles skittering away across the bumpy ground. "Just when I think they can't get any more fucked up, then they go and pull shit like this."

"It is strange," Sam hummed, "I've never seen a vampire cling to a human for so long, much less three, because minus that girl, they've all been sighted numerous times."

"Maybe he's got really tasty blood?" Dean offered as an explanation, a soft chuckle breaking up his words which had Sam grinning as well even though the situation was anything but funny.

"Who knows with them, it really doesn't matter anyway, in fact, we probably wouldn't have figured out that there is more than one of them here if it wasn't for him, so we should be thanking him."

"Oh yeah - remind me to leave him a heartfelt card before we head off," Dean scoffed, his posture suddenly straightening as he nudged Sam lightly, bringing his attention forward only to see that Bobby was making his way over to them. "You ready to head out?"

"Yeah, where are we going again though?" Sam asked, because he'd been half asleep during their earlier meeting in which assignments had been handed out thanks to their late night vigils, and he really couldn't remember what duty they had been assigned.

"Bobby's going to help us check out the next town over, he thinks they might live there and be hunting here, which would explain why we can't find them, although I don't agree with him, they are around too often to travel that far."

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