41: The End...

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I never planned to write this but after receiving numerous requests here is a short epilogue for you all.

Enjoy xx

- starr

Gerard was awoken by the sound of his mate's quiet voice, as well as the lack of his warmth against his side, the latter of which left him a bit disgruntled since one of his favorite things about being mated to Frank was waking up next to him every evening.

Gerard opened his eyes blearily when Frank's tone became slightly louder, a soft smile tugging at his lips when he spied Frank in the armchair on the other side of the room, his legs tucked up underneath him and his phone pressed against his ear.

Gerard didn't mean to eavesdrop on Frank's conversation - which was apparently with his mother, but it was hard not too with his keen hearing, and he knew Frank didn't mind at all.

So Gerard listened as Frank caught up with her, his eyes wandering across his mate's tattooed skin which was currently on full display. They had fallen asleep naked this morning, and it seemed that Frank hadn't bothered to get dressed to answer the phone, not that Gerard was complaining.

Sometimes Gerard still couldn't believe that this was his life, that Frank was his mate. It had been two years since their bond had been formed, but Gerard didn't think he'd ever get used to having this gorgeous man as his other half, it felt like a dream most days.

And to add to the fantasy-like quality of Gerard's current existence, they had finally found William's coven after months of wandering. William had welcomed them with open arms, and now Gerard truly had a home, but what made it even better was sharing it with the love of his life.

The coven itself was the haven that Gerard had always hoped to find. There were no rules here, William disliked referring to himself as a leader, and he didn't attempt to regulate the vampires who lived with him. The community he had created was peaceful, and if someone wanted to leave, they could at any time, but very few people did.

In fact, many vampires had been flocking here as of late. Most of the surviving covens were either being found by hunters or disintegrating under poor leadership. Apparently more vampire/human pairings had been occurring as well, and William now sent out scouts to assist the couples in locating them before they were discovered and killed.

Gerard adored living here, he felt like he was a part of something good for once, and he made sure to help out as often as he could. Everyone played a role in the coven, and together they all meshed in a harmonic manner that Gerard was proud to say he contributed to.

Overall, Gerard was happy - truly happy. He still missed Mikey and Ray of course, and not everything was perfect, but it was as close to it as things could get, and Gerard could now honestly claim that he was content.

Gerard shifted over slightly when Frank ended his call and headed in his direction, making more room for him on the mattress which Frank took as an invitation to lie back down, which is exactly what Gerard wanted him to do.

"How's your mom doing sugar?" Gerard asked when Frank didn't immediately speak, his nostrils flaring slightly as he inhaled Frank's intoxicating scent, letting it seep into his nose until his brain felt as if it were swimming in the wonderful aroma.

"She's being her usual self, wants us to visit again already," Frank groaned, and Gerard copied his actions.

He had met Frank's mother once a few months ago, and that had been an interesting experience. She was a kind woman, but she didn't have much of a filter, and she made her opinions on Frank's choices very well known, not that Gerard could blame her for being a bit upset.

They hadn't told her that Gerard was a vampire of course, or that Frank was living in a coven full of other vampires at the moment. Gerard had simply been introduced as Frank's boyfriend, and Frank claimed they were traveling the world together now that his clinic had burned down and he had the chance to do so.

Frank's mother wasn't happy with that, she had demanded that Frank move to Florida with her and his father and start up a new practice. The topic seemed to be brought up every time they spoke, and Gerard knew it frustrated Frank, but it wasn't as if they could tell her the truth.

"Well maybe we can make a trip down there later next month, winter is coming on again so I won't have to worry about the sun as much," Gerard suggested.

"I'll think about it later," Frank decided, "right now let's just focus on today."

"Do we have any plans?" Gerard grinned when Frank began nuzzling into his neck, his teeth nipping lightly at his exposed skin in a playful manner that left Gerard shivering slightly.

"Well, we could visit Brendon and Ryan, see what they're up to," Frank hummed in a teasing fashion, which led Gerard to believe that he wasn't actually all that intent on stopping by at their friends place just yet, "and I think William and Gabe wanted some help building homes for the new arrivals," Frank mentioned, "but I'm sure they've already found loads of volunteers."

"Most likely," Gerard nodded, a small gasp leaving his mouth when Frank trailed his mouth lower, causing hot puffs of air to hit his sensitive nipples.

"So I was thinking we could have a bit of a lie in for once, then maybe we could check up on the construction and see if they need any extra hands later on."

"Sounds wonderful," Gerard exhaled shakily as Frank attempted to leave a bruise on his collarbone, his eyes fluttering shut in pure bliss as he let his mate continue to explore his body with his tongue and teeth.

And when Frank finally connected their mouths together in a tender kiss, Gerard was once again reminded of how good he had things. His mate was alive and well, and they were safe, and happy, which was not the ending Gerard had ever thought he would receive, but he was so fucking glad that he had.

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