11: In Which Petekey Happens Because I Couldn't Resist

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Mikey followed the strange vampire - who had introduced himself as Bert, down into the bowels of the church as a bubble of hope began to unfurl in his chest. Mikey was almost scared to feel that emotion, because this was what he had been so desperate for, and now that it was actually happening, he was terrified that something was going to go terribly wrong and his fantasy would be ruined.

Maybe there was no coven down here, and Bert was just a crazy old vampire that lived under a church, or maybe this was a dream, and whatever sickness was afflicting Gerard had begun to affect Mikey as well meaning that he was hallucinating all of this. If that was the case, this was a very realistic dream, and apparently Ray was having it too, but Mikey wasn't ready to rule out any possibility just yet.

Because even though this vampire seemed kind, and sane, and he had promised the coven was just a little further ahead, it had been so long since Mikey had been around anyone besides Ray and Gerard, and he was wary to place his trust in this complete stranger. He could be some psycho who was just luring them down to his lair to kill them, or torture them, or maybe even keep them as sex slaves - or something, and although Mikey was being unrealistic by this point, he was beginning to freak himself out just a bit.

Ray noticed Mikey's distress; even though they weren't bonded by blood, he was exceptionally skilled at telling when his mate was panicking, and Ray seemed to be much more trusting of Bert than Mikey, so when he slipped his hand into Mikey's trembling one, trying to tell him without words that it was all going to be okay, and even if it wasn't, that he would be there to help Mikey escape if Bert was in fact a murderer or whatever, Mikey allowed his tense posture to unwind slightly.

Mikey shot Ray a grateful look, because just the simple reminder of his mate's presence calmed him greatly, and he managed to shut up his mind up for a bit and just focus on keeping his footing as they followed Bert down into a large crypt. Once elegant tombs were ensconced all over the room, and even though this place had obviously been abandoned for years, there was still an aura of reverence hanging over them.

"If you boys could avert your eyes for a moment while I open the door. Once you are accepted into the coven, all of our secrets will be revealed, but until then, I cannot let you see the key to the secret entrance," Bert asked in an apologetic voice, and Ray and Mikey both obliged, turning their backs on the older vampire as he rummaged around for what they assumed was the key he spoke of. A few seconds later, a sharp click sounded in the still air, followed by a creaking noise and a rush of air.

"You may look now," Bert informed them, and when Mikey turned around, he saw that an entire section of the wall had been opened, revealing a massive set of stairs which led downwards into what he hoped was the coven.

"Are you sure we will be welcomed here?" Mikey asked in a shaky voice, because as much as this was exactly what he wanted, this all seemed too good to be true, and he was still waiting for Bert to burst into a fit of laughter before pulling out a knife and stabbing them.

The one and only time Gerard and Mikey had found a coven before this, they had refused to unlock the gates, even though the boys had spent hours outside pleading desperately to be let in, so the fact that Bert was so eager to accept them had Mikey confused. As far as he knew, vampires that had retained their covens were wary of outsiders, and they didn't open their doors for just anyone.

"Of course my children, I welcome all lost vampires into my fold. I know it is unconventional, but our race has lost so much already, and I do not hold to the belief that most other leaders do. This is a place of safety for all vampires that need it, and as long as you follow our rules, you will be free to stay here for as long as you want," Bert assured them.

"Thank you..." Mikey whispered quietly, still trying to process that this was actually happening, but the fact that Bert hadn't tried anything yet was reassuring, because if he really had ill intentions toward them, surely he would have acted on them by now.

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