[19] there's a dragon on the roof??

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Alex stood outside the grand white building, questioning if the slight tilt was her imagination or reality.

"Impressive," Kaiden remarked, craning his head to look at her. "Does it remind you—"

"The banks in the capital," Alex agreed, tilting her head to get a better view of the bank. "This one has a dragon though."

"Unfortunate," Kaiden's grin was nothing but light and teasing. "I don't suppose Xira would like to come and breathe fire every half hour?"

"I'd have to sacrifice my first born child for him," Alex responded dryly. Kaiden's laugh was soft but quiet as he reached for her hand. "The Ride is Escape from Gringotts, right?"

"Sure is. The others have already gone in ahead of us already. Shall we?"

Alex accepted his hooked arm by slipping hers through. Walking into Gringotts Wizarding Bank, she felt a little bit like Harry had upon entering it. Awe, mostly, amazement at how tall the ceiling was and the veins of gold, the marbling spiralling across the floors and magnificent columns. A row of working goblins on each side moved slowly, stamping documents in immaculate goblin-sized business suits, flipping pages and giving the tourists an arched gaze.

The golden globes of light behind the goblins illuminated the black and gold marble along with the help of a shining chandelier. Goblin after goblin eventually led to the head goblin. Behind his impressive desk and barred archway, he gave them all a look that said even though I'm short, I'm your superior. Carefully balanced glasses and a blotted inkbook decorated his desk alongside the large copybook he kept flipping.

They continued along the bend, heading into a darker hallway with portraits of imperious goblins lining the walls. At the end of the hallway was another room that filled up quickly with the crowd. On the stage in front of them sat a grand wood desk, shelves at the bursting point, books, books, and more books. Even an old fashioned tele-microscope looking thing was perched at the end. A short goblin tottered about the stage, digging about the drawers whilst muttering furiously.

"Aha!" he cried, but the victory was short lasting as the drawer vomited out a spectacle of fireworks. Despite his best efforts to flap away the sparks, it was the magic in the fireworks that fizzed themselves out.

"What was that?" the goblin exclaimed, patting down his singed suit with a frown.

None other than Bill Weasley strolled on stage with a light chuckle. "That would a Weasley's Wildfire Whizz-Bang. Fireworks, from my brothers Fred and George."

"Bill Weasley! What are you doing here?"

"This is my office, Nordak. The question is, what are you doing here?"

"Well, I was about to show our new clients the Vault! Just getting the keys."

"Didn't you hear? I had to move them. All you have to do is ask, Nordak," Bill retrieved his wand from the inside of his brown coat, "Accio keys."

A set of large metal keys flew over to Bill helpfully. Nordak gave Bill a suspicious look and counted them all from the redhead's grasp.

"How did you get in here? We haven't seen you since—"

"—well, I'm not going to keep you from your tour, I just need to grab a few things and be on my way. You," Bill looked at the audience with an arched brow, "Haven't seen me. Actually, if you don't mind, I'll join you on your tour. We can all go together — I'll meet you at your cart."

"What are we doing standing about? Let's get moving!" Despite his small size, Nordak briskly hurried Bill out of the way, turning to the audience. "Now, listen to me. The passage to your left will take you to a series of lifts. The lifts will take you down to the cart station, and there we'll all embark on the journey for the great Vault of Gringotts! I'll see you down there."

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