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also chapter 24 because i say so


That's how she felt. A weird one at that, because it's Freya. She's lived her most of her life, it's been a large chunk of her life. Alex wasn't sure why turning her back on Diagon Alley felt like she was turning her back on Freya. She knew she was coming back, and she always would. But she also knew, thinking about it, that this trip was a way she'd been able to see that Freya and Medora were different.

Sure, they were parallel worlds. They had similarities. But their differences were what made them memorable, and comparing them constantly wouldn't do anything for herself. The connection wasn't severed, it was honoured, acknowledged.

"Well. This is it," she said, not exactly speaking to anyone in particular.

"I get what you mean," Jordan spoke up, "It's been a fantastic trip, Alex. Thank you for bringing us out."

"Jordan Sparker, sincere for once?" Alex said with a mock gasp.

"Hey, I've learned when the humour has to be turned on and off. Just because I'm naturally funny doesn't mean I can't be naturally serious."

"If you were naturally serious I'd admit you to Fletcher's ward."

"Fair point."

"What he's trying to say is thanks. From all of us, Queenie. I know it's only been a week for Kaid and I, but it's been great getting to know your roots and all this Freyan stuff. A lot of it confuses me, but, you know, go with the flow." Declan gave Alex a signature Declan Bear HugTM, which was pretty much the best thing you could get if you were feeling bittersweet.

"It's been dangerous letting a bunch of gifted kids run around, so it's sweet you trust us enough to let us loose here," Bear grinned in his usual I'm so smart but it's actually true way. "Even if Jordan did go through the hotel room wall once or twice."


"I agree. It was great to spend some time with you in Freya, Alex. It's easy to get caught up with the Academy and all that stuff. And I loved spending time with you—"

"Okay, wrap it up lovebirds," Dix clapped her hands and shot Kaiden an apologetic smile, "Revenge for all the times you and Bear threw up behind our backs."

"You noticed?"

"Of course I noticed! Look, what's important is that I really needed this. With all the princess worries, this was a really cool getaway, and I've always been interested in other worlds. I never actually thought I'd get to go to one, and you guys put up with all of my planning."

"Dix, we would have died without you," Bear shrugged, plain and simple. "So really, thank you and Alex for keeping us alive."



"That's not a word."

"Don't ruin the moment."

"You guys simultaneously suck and are the best at the same time."

"Love you too, Alex."



Alexandra; 'But you could get kids meals for life' Jennings

Jordan; 'We gonna have an apple pie cake with lots of pie. Ten pies.' Sparker

Bear; 'How much profit does it make?' Ronnigan

Dix; 'Why do I have the feeling he's going to launch us out of the highest turret in Cinderella's castle with the fireworks tonight' Cavelle

Declan; 'I cried when Dobby died' Stirling

Kaiden; 'Is this normal for Freyans?' James

A/N: well. That's the end. Thank you everyone for sticking around :D I will admit it's not my highest quality work, but i am proud to have finished another fic and to have worked with the tmc characters again. It was hard because it wasn't an action piece like i tried with totae or vacation, but it's good practice. If you have any one shot requests for tmc just comment them! Hope to see yall soon :)

-dommie out

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