[22] hogsmeade :)

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She stood before the Hogwarts Express, eyeing the few fast-pass people in line ahead of them. Hogsmeade awaited, although they'd taken the train once before, they'd had little time to wander about and explore. Today was a whole day focused on Hogsmeade, and that started with taking the train over to the station.

Alex had gone through the King's Cross station like everyone else, finding clues of the Wizarding World hidden all around the station. One of the coolest parts was getting to Platform 9 ¾; going through an illusionary wall. If you stood on one side, and someone went through the barrier-wall, it would look like the wall had swallowed them up and eaten them.

Surrounded by brick and globe-lights, Alex wound her way through the queue barriers, snapping a picture of the Make A Little Magic ad displayed on one wall.

"Divine Magic," she snorted to herself at the hidden joke, taking in the brown-haired beauty on the poster board and the fancy perfume/lipstick next to her.

The platform was covered with sprawling barriers and fake luggage props, even a still owl in a cage utop a mountain of Hogwarts trunks. Alex stepped up into the train and thanked the attendant who guided the six of them into their carriage. Part of her hadn't believed that a theme park would have a functioning train, but here she was, sitting in it.

The engine and the coal carriage preceded the passenger carriages, with large red bodies glinting in the sunlight. A whistle went off, signaling their departure, and the train began its rhythmic chug over to Hogsmeade.

"A train," Bear breathed in amazement, leaning back in the grey-blue seat. "How much does this cost? How does it run? How much profit does it make, or is it just for the experience?"

"Get a job here and find out," Alex teased, glad to see that they were enjoying it. Kaiden looked a bit green at the rocking movement of the train, but aside from that, the others were eagerly taking in the carriage and the window. Olds photos of Hogwarts and its surrounding grounds decorated the walls of the carriage, but the most interesting thing was the window.

The further and further they got from King's Cross, the more and more fascinating the window 'view' became. Alex saw Harry fight off ghastly Dementors with a powerful Expecto Patronum, chasing the dark beings away. She saw Hogwarts, cruising far around the lake line to see the castle glowing at night. She even saw quidditch players swoop down and grin at them from outside the carriage, spiralling off into the air in their red and green jerseys.

The second she stepped out of the carriage, Alex was greeted by an airy, red-wood beamed station that was quaint and quiet compared to the King's Cross. In the peaceful moment that no one else had exited the Hogwarts Express, Alex could see the beginnings of Hogsmeade village already, tall trees, just the tips of the towers of Hogwarts, roofs and windows and a place bursting with life.

Going down the ramp, she found herself in a small alcove where she was treated with an amazing view of the Hogwarts Express, even better, she could get up super close to it and see the amount of detail put into it. Then through a short passageway under a bridge with everyone chatting behind her, Alex walked through a border of tall trees until she hit a signpost.

It read Hogsmeade, and just behind the black and white sign sat an impressive stone arch that was the gateway to Hogsmeade. Covered in snow year round, Alex stepped into Hogsmeade with her hand entwined in Kaiden's. Although it was magical at night, in the daytime it was still a pretty palace decorated to the highest degree.

Zonko's, Honeydukes, Three Broomsticks and others on her left, Owl Post, Dervish and Banges, and others on her right.

"My wallet is already crying," Kaiden remarked with a half-smile. "Hey, at least we have those Gringotts coins we got!"

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