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I let go Darren's hand off me. I ran to the cafeteria without Darren.
'Hey! Emy!' He came running to me, touching my back.
'Stay away from me, geek!' I shrieked.
He made ugly faces. I was about to throw up.
I looked Harry's face. He was smiling a little. I ignored and took a seat. I was waiting for my pizza. After five minutes the pizza arrived. I was sitting alone, not caring about anything.
I wondered why Harriana still didn't apologize.
Suddenly my phone buzzed and I saw a message from mom.
Mom: I want you home. Now!
Me: What's wrong?
Mom: I'm going to Eve's house with Dad. You gotta take care of the house. Now don't waste time and run back home.
I didn't reply and left my pizza half eaten. I grabbed my bag and ran to the bus stop. I caught a bus and got back home.
'Mom?' I shouted.
I couldn't hear anyone. I searched rooms. There was no mom dad. They were gone already.
I threw myself to the bed. I heard a 'crack' sound. Ah! Same centuries old beds.
I saw some pictures of Ari, Harry and I. We used to be so happy. They don't want to be friends with me anymore. I had to make new ones. Ella and Bella were the choices. They were so like Ew, but better than the others. I fell asleep within these thoughts.
             HARRY'S POV
'Where's Emily?' I asked Ari, looking around the cafe.
'She was here with a pizza just now.' Ari told me.
'The place is empty but the pizza is still there.' I told her, worriedly.
'She never leaves pizza half eaten!' Ari said, worriedly.
'That hobo Darren she was with!' I gave her a hint.
'No, she can't be with her.' She told me.
'That man is a jerk. I don't trust him.' I told her, looking around.
'Alright let's go.' She said, standing up. We were going to search for both of them.
First, we ran to the classrooms to look for both of them. The thing was, that both of them were not seen anywhere. It meant that they were together.
'Let's go out of the school and search for them.' I suggested.
'What makes us so stupid? We should call her.' Ari said, slapping my head.
'Yea.' I mumbled.
I dialed her phone number. She didn't pick up the phone.
'What's wrong with her?' Ari said, worriedly.
'Let me try.' Ariana said.
She waited for five minutes, her phone on her ears waiting for Emy's voice.
'No response.' She said.
Shit! I would find her anyway. She wasn't in the school. We went to the cafeteria again to look for Darren and Emily.
'Oh, there's Darren!' Ari said.
'But he's alone.' I mumbled.
We ran to him. I grabbed him by his collar.
'You poop faced. Tell me where's Emily?' I asked him.
'What? I don't know. You're her boyfriend. You should know.' He said. His mouth full of pizza. I had never seen a mouth as dirty as his was.
'Who said I'm her boyfriend?' I asked.
'She said a million times.' He told me.
Ari and I looked at each other in amusement.
'So, she isn't your girlfriend?' I asked Darren, letting my hands off his collar.
'No. Bella is my girlfriend.' He said.
'Uh, sorry.' I said, patting his shoulder.
'No problem, buddy.' He said. I smiled at him.
'See? She's single.' Ariana told me.
'Yes, but why did she say I'm her boyfriend?' I asked her in confusion.
'Because she likes you too.' She told me.
'Really?' I asked with a smile.
'Yes, Harry.' She told me, her hand on my shoulder.
'Idea!' I shouted.
'What?' Ari asked.
'Let's ask the gate keeper if he saw her.'
We ran to the main gate.
'Hallo, sir.' I said, walking to him.
'Yes?' He asked.
'Have you seen a girl with black, straight hair going out the school?' I asked him.
'Yes, that girl? She went towards the bus stop.' He told me.
'Thank you.' I said, turning back to Ariana.
'Now. The only place she could go is, her house.' I told her.
'Let's go there then.' Ariana said.
I was about to say yes but I suddenly thought of my date with Emily. She said her house was a secret.
'No. You stay here. I'll go alone.' I said.
'Why not both of us?' Ari said.
'Uh, I think I'll tell her my feelings.' I told her.
'Wow! Do that!' She exclaimed.
I ran to my car and got in.
'What? I slept? Ahhh.' I yawned.
It was 1, I checked my phone. I received seven missed calls. Five from Harry, one from Ari and one from dad.
Shit! They called me. I was asleep. I missed the chance!
I couldn't even call back. It was totally against my ego.
I got up, washed my face and brushed my teeth.
*door knocks* *bell rings*
'Oh. I think dad mom are here.' I thought to myself.
I ran to the door and opened it. To my great surprise, I saw Harry standing, with his brown hair, a black leather jacket.
He looked at me, and our eyes met.
'Uh, hi.' He said.
'Hello.' I said. 'Come in, maybe?'
'Yes.' He said.
He entered and I led him to our drawing room.
He sat on a sofa and I heard a 'cracking' sound.
'Don't sit on that one.' I told him.
'Why not?' He asked.
'Because it is not in a good condition.' I said, embarrassed.
'I won't care.' He said.
'I meant sit on this couch. It's new.' I told him, pointing to a couch.
'I'll sit on the one in the worst condition.' He said.
He was stubborn.
'Okay.' I mumbled.
I sat down, quietly.
'So.' He said.
'So?' I asked.
'So, I'm sorry.' He said.
'Sorry for?' I asked, with attitude.
'For not telling you that thing.' He said.
'Oh.' I said.
'So, are we good?' He asked, waiting for an answer.
'Yes, we're good.' I grinned at him.
'Thanks.' He chuckled.
We stared at each other for a while and then looked away.
'Uh, Emy-' he said, looking at me.
'Harr-' I said.
'I was saying uh.' He said, breaking in the middle.
'What is it Harry?' I asked in confusion.
'Emily I uh, I want to tell you how amazing you are. You're the best girl I've ever known. You're different from the others. And, uh.' He began.
'And?' I said, waiting for an answer.
'And, I love you. I want you to be mine.' He said.
My jaws dropped.
'Would you give me the honor of being my girlfriend?' He asked, coming closer to me, and sitting on his knees, putting his hand on mine.
'Harry? Uh, I guess we're together now.' I said with a smile.
'Thank you so much, Emily.' He said, looking in my eyes....

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