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Flashback, May 2017

Sivaangi and Sharanya were sprawled out on her couch with a pile of chips, cookies and chocolates between them. It was their summer holiday after a grueling school year, and their only wish at the moment was to lie in one place and watch movies from sunrise to sunset.

They stared with bated breath as the heroine on screen ran from a group of thugs, tripping at the worst moment. She screamed in agony as they dragged her to a chair and tied her up.

Just as things seemed dreary, Hrithik Roshan stepped in, his fist clenched and abs gleaming (as usual).

He proceeded to beat the gang to a pulp, moving effortlessly, fully fueled by his passion and love for his girl. He untied her from her trap, and she fell into his arms with her eyes full of love and gratitude. Then, the scene cut to a song.

Sivaangi was hugely impressed.

"Wow... isn't he just so dreamy!"

She sighed.

"Do you think guys like this exist in real life?"

Sharanya scoffed.

"No chance. And even if they did, they would never give girls like us a second glance."

Present Day, October 2022

Sivaangi clutched her teddy tightly to her chest with a wide smile. That smile had been on her face ever since Ashwin dropped her home last night.

The introvert who was always so soft and timid turned into a macho, mass hero at her time of need. The rage on his face when confronting that man, how manly and fierce he had looked. Then in total contrast how sweet he'd been after, checking up on her every minute. How could she not be in love with him? He wouldn't let anything or anyone hurt her on his watch. Her heart literally sang anytime she thought about him.

Her mind was stuck on his words, how he had expressed his "duty", his urimai. It made her believe her inner turmoil and daily emotional struggle with her feelings was worth it. He was worth it.

She was pulled from her thoughts when her bedroom door opened, and Binni entered with a smile.

"Good morning mole, eppadi irruka?"

"I'm all fine, ma don't worry."

"Good, good. Here I brought you breakfast."

She held out a plate of dosa and chutney, to which Sivaangi clapped with glee.

Binni sat down on the bed as she watched her daughter eat, her anxiety still unsettled.

She and her husband had felt awful when they heard about what happened last night, that they weren't there by Sivaangi's side. This kind of thing was exactly what they feared every time she went out. But they had to accept she was an adult now, and it was impossible to shield her from every unwanted situation. They were just at peace knowing that Ashwin was there and took full care of her.

"Sivu, we need to invite Ashwin over and properly thank him for everything. Kaduvule who knows what could have happened if he wasn't there."

Sivaangi nodded. She continued to eat, her mind full of questions.

"Ma, na onnu kekkulama?"

"Hm, anything kellu."

"I have this one friend, and she needs advice."

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