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This trip has been fun so far. Yesterday we all hung out by the pool. And today, we did some two on two while playing basketball.

It started out with us four, but a bunch of random people wanted to play so we ended up playing teams.

It was tiring but it was really fun. We played about ten games with our teams and we won about half of them.

It was currently dark, and I was sitting on the pool chairs, looking at the sky.

It was a pretty night out here. There about a million stars out here and it was a full moon.

I've always loved the moon. It reminded me of my mum. Whenever I was little, we would always look up at the sky together.

Especially if there were meteor shower. Australia always had the prettiest skies at night. I would love to go there one day.

"Hey." I hear next to me. I look over to see a certain blonde boy. I sit up as he sits next to me.

"What are you doing?" I ask as I watch him. "Maya and Charlie were flirting but still hasn't realized it and it was gross." He jokes.

I can totally seeing that happen. For the past couple of days, they've been non stop flirting. It's like everyday their flirting gets stronger.

It's became an on going joke that every time they do it in front of me and Owen, we start fake gagging.

We do it silently and behind them so they can't see or hear it. Every time they hear us laughing, they look at us strangely.

But they never asked questions. "I'm sorry you had to deal with that by yourself." I scrunch my nose towards him.

He chuckles as he goes along with it. "I tried gagging but it wasn't the same without you." He joked.

"Yeah, you probably looked really weird doing it." I tease. I tried to hold in my laughter, but I couldn't.

I was giggling at him. "You know they probably didn't even notice you left." He shrugged as he looked at me.

"I would rather be here anyway." I wonder what he meant by that. I'm not going to think too much about it.

I look back over towards the sky, looking at it. "After living in Los Angeles, I almost forgot how pretty the stars are."

From the corner of my eye, I could see his head move towards the sky.

"You should see them in Oklahoma. It was like this too." He speaks. I remember hearing how Oklahoma gets a lot of tornadoes.

I've never experienced one before so I wouldn't know what I'd do if one happened.

"In big towns like Oklahoma City, it was a little bit harder. But it's like this in the country." He tells me.

I would like to visit one day. But the one place I really want to visit is Washington state.

I've seen pictures of the trees there so I wanna see it in person.

"Australia is like this too. Clear skies and a huge moon." I tell him. As we sit there, we start talking about our different homes.

He explains what tornadoes are like. I tell him how we get bush fires and really bad droughts.

It was nice talking to Owen about these things. "What's one thing you wanna see one day that you've never seen?" Owen asked.

It was an easy question. "Snow. I've never seen snow." I don't hesitate to answer.

He looked at me with a shocked face. I couldn't help but nervously laugh.

"You've never seen snow? You've never been snowboarding?" I shake my head towards him.

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