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I woke up the next morning with a horrible headache. I was in a bed I didn't recognize. I look at the nightstand to see a plush ghost.

I don't remember last night at all. I sit up causing me to groan.

"Woah. You okay?" Owen asked walking in. He had a pair of adidas joggers on and he was shirtless.

His hair was wet so I guess he had just showered. "I relapsed didn't I?" I ask groggily.

He looked at me softly. He nodded slowly as I groan again.

I lay down on his bed and hide my face. I feel like absolute shit.

Not because of the hangover, but because of the relapse.

As I laid there face down, I could smell Owens scent on the sheets. It helped me stay calm somehow.

I could feel the bed deepen when Owen sat down next to me.

"Owen, how am I supposed to tell Ryan?" I ask him. I wanted to cry.

I didn't mean to relapse. I was just so wrapped up in my head, it's the only thing I was thinking of.

I could hear Owen sigh next to me. "Look at me, Tate. I'm not mad." I move my head so I could look at Owen.

My hair was in my face but I didn't feel like moving it. So he bent towards me and moved my hair.

I smiled at the small gesture. "You wanna tell me why you drank last night?" He asked softly.

"I saw you yesterday at the mall with your girlfriend. I thought you had lied to me about going to Oklahoma." I explain.

It sounds really stupid when I say it out loud. Owen sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"You're not the reason I drank though, it's my own fault." I speak up. I don't want him blaming himself.

"Savannah isn't my girlfriend. We've worked on a few shows together." He explained to me.

That makes sense. "I flew in yesterday morning and she picked me up from the airport. I was going to surprise with dinner last night."

I sigh in defeat. I truly hate myself right now. "I didn't come though because Maya said you were acting off."

That makes sense on why she left with Charlie. I sit up so I look at him.

I need to tell him the reason why I have a drinking problem. The reason why I have a hard time trusting.

It's better now than never at all. "Please let me explain why I have drinking problem, okay?" He nodded his head lightly.

"When I was in year ten, my mum got really sick. She didn't have much time." I start to explain.

It was a really touchy subject. But I tried to keep my breathing under control.

"One night, I was out with some friends. After a few hours I saw I had a missed call and voicemail from Ryan." I couldn't make eye contact.

"I drove as fast as I could to the hospital. But I didn't make it in time. She had passed away an hour before I got there." Owen gasped.

I glance at him to see him teary eyed. "Ryan tried to call me. But I was too selfish to be there for my own mother."

I still feel guilty about it. Especially with how Ryan looked after it happened.

"I started going to parties every weekend, getting completely legless." I take a deep breath.

"Two weeks after my mum passed, I was at a party with my long term boyfriend at the time." I start playing with my fingers.

"At the party, I couldn't find him after a while. Until I caught him doing it with my best friend at the time." I glance at Owen.

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