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I was staring at myself in the mirror as I was wearing my dress for the funeral.

I had black tights under it knowing it was cool. I had just got doing my makeup and curling my hair.

Owen walked in wearing a black suit. He slowly walked over to me as I looked at him.

"You okay?" He asked sweetly. I just shrug towards him.

"I don't really know. Last time I saw him, we were screaming at each other. And now he's gone. I think it's just now hitting me." I pout.

He frowns as he steps next to me. He laces our fingers to me as he sighs.

"Just remember that if you need anything, you have me. You don't have to stay the whole time if you don't want to." He reassured me.

I nodded as I remembered. Before I could reply, my brother poked his head in.

"You ready, Tate?" He had sadness in his voice. But I know he wanted to get this done.

I take a deep breath and nod my head. I keep my hand laced with Owens as we pile into Grace's car.

She's letting us borrow it for the funeral. Ryan drives us to the funeral home that's so familiar.

It was the same one that we went to for my mum. Owen held my hand the whole ride there.

When we pull in, there were a lot of people here. Ryan and I take a deep breath as we walk in.

There were a lot of people here that I haven't seen in years.

Aunts, uncles, cousins, my grandparents. I was worried about seeing them.

Everyone glanced over at us. I swallow hard as we go to my gran.

She looked at us softly as we walked over to her. She looks different. I don't know if she'll still be mad at us or not.

She stood up and met us halfway. She wrapped her arms around Ryan. They hugged for a little while.

She then pulled away and looked at me. "I'm happy you made it, even though you and your father didn't get along." I just shrugged.

She looked at both of us sadly. "You two are too young to be dealing with your second loss of a parent." That's when it hit me.

I don't have my parents anymore. Ryan and I are orphans.

My kids, if I ever have any, will never know their grandparents on my side.

And I think that's what upsets me the most. But that's the thing, my dad has been dead to me for years.

I wasn't going to tell my Gran that though, it would break her heart.

We introduced her to Owen and Abby as we went to sit down.

I didn't pay attention much to what the pastor was talking about.

Not until he invited me and Ryan up to the piano. They wanted us to sing Amazing Grace.

Ryan was going to sing while I played the piano. He looked at me as I sat down. I nodded my head, signaling I was ready.

"Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me!" My brother started the first verse A cappella.

His voice echoed through the room. I could hear the quiet sobs of my family as he sang.

"I once was lost, but now am found. I was blind but now I see." My brother sang.

I place my fingers on the keys and started playing. We did this for my mums funeral a long time ago.

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