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Ever since the date I had with Owen, we were inseparable. We're together almost every waking moment.

We've been flirting a lot more, but we haven't made anything official. I like how we are now.

It's currently the morning of Owen's twenty first birthday. I spent the night with him last night and I'm currently making him breakfast.

He's still in bed asleep and I found a way to get out of his arms. I was making french toast and pancakes.

When I get everything done, I put it on a tray. I had a flower in a vase for him with a cup of orange juice.

I go into his room to see he was stirring in bed. "Owen." I tell him softly but loud enough for him to hear.

He stirred a little more and I saw his eyes flutter open. His eyes went to me and then went to the food.

The ends of his mouth curve up into a smile. He sat up while running his fingers through his hair.

"What's this?" He rasped. I sat the tray down carefully down in front of him. "It's your birthday breakfast." I smiled.

He looked at me with pure happiness. "Thank you baby." He leaned over lightly and kissed my cheek.

I lightly blushed at the gesture. He took a bite of it as he looked at me. "This is amazing. I love it." He complimented.

I ate with him, which was nice. "What did you want to do today?" I ask knowing it was his birthday.

"I was thinking we could have a beach day. Spend most of the day there." He explained.

It sounded like a good plan. I went to my apartment so I could get my bathers.

I had on my matching pink set that made my boobs look good.

I put on a large t-shirt that I stole from Owen a while back ago. I pack some lunches for us in case we get hungry.

I go back to Owen's apartment so I could pick him up. He comes out wearing a tank top and bathers.

He gets in and smiles. "Are you listening to Stand Tall?" He asked with a hint of laughter.

I pull out of the parking lot and start driving towards Venice Beach.

"Yeah, the drummer is pretty hot." I half flirt, half tease. I glance over at him to see him smiling to himself.

"Yeah, he's a good drummer." He teased a long with me. When it got to his solo, I stopped singing to hear Owen sing.

"Whatever happens even if I'm the last standing, I'ma stand tall. I'ma stand tall." He sings as I smile.

He sounds really good. "Damn, O. You really need to sing more." I tell him honestly. He scrunches his nose.

"You're just saying that." We stop at a red light so I turn to him. "I'm really not. You could do broadway or something." I admitted.

I really wanted him to know that I meant it. We talked about it until we get to Venice Beach.

We find a spot on the beach and lay all of our things down. I was going to try to focus on working on my tan today.

I'm the most pale now than I've ever been. So I wanna tan while I can. I take my large shirt off, revealing myself.

I felt eyes on me as I look to see Owen staring at me. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." I tease. As I look away, I heard the click of a picture.

I give him a look as he smirks over at me. "I hate you, you know that right?" I ask as I spray some tanning oil on.

"No you don't." He told me seductively. I lay on the towel next to him. He's right, I don't hate him.

But he doesn't have to know that yet. We spent the whole day on the beach.

We went back to his apartment around five because he had to get ready for the bars.

I was laying on his bed, petting Cruzy while Owen showered. I was petting her belly when Owen walked in here wearing jeans.

He was shirtless so his chest and stomach were bare. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." I did exactly what he did to me.

I pulled my phone out and took a picture as he looked for a shirt. He shook his head as I took the picture.

"I should've seen this coming." I laugh to myself as he throws a shirt on.

He goes over to his mirror to put a couple chains on. "You're going to be careful, right?" I ask grabbing his attention.

"You worry about me too much. I'll be fine, baby." He half teased.

He looks at me as he combs through his hair. "I worry because I care." I admit to him. He smiled as he looked away.

He finished getting ready and he sits next to me. "You'll be okay to watch Cruzy, right?" He asked making sure.

I nodded my head. "Don't worry about me. Just have fun with Charlie and Jeremy." I tell him.

He looked at the time and sighed. "I'll see you tomorrow." He got up as I followed him.

"Be careful, have fun." We hugged goodbye as he walked out the door. I sigh as I look down at the french bulldog.

"It's just us girly." I talk to her. We go into the living room and turn the tv on.

I watched all of Beetlejuice knowing it's one of my favorites. After watching, I decided to play on his keyboard.

I wanted to finish the song I've been writing. After a few hours, I finally finish the song.

I thought of a name for a second. I smiled whenever I did. I write, 'moon', on the top of the paper.

The night was pretty boring after that. Maya was busy, Ryan and Abby were having a date night, and Savannah was filming.

Before going to sleep, I laid out water and medicine for Owen. The next morning, I let Cruzy out and fed her breakfast.

As I sit the bowl down, the door opened and closed. I look over to see Owen walking in.

He looked exhausted and hungover. "Hi, how are you feeling?" I ask sweetly. He groans as he takes his shoes off.

"Shit." He rasps. Instead of going to his room like I thought he would, he came over to me.

He wrapped his arms around me securely. "I'm sorry, baby." I frown as he leans into me.

He just groans as I rub his back. "You want me to make you breakfast?" I ask.

He nodded as he slowly nods his head. "I'm going to go change." He let go of me and slowly went into his room.

I made him some bacon which didn't take me long. When I go into his room, I could hear muffled gagging in the bathroom.

I sit the plate down and go in there to see Owen sitting in front of the toilet. I rush to him and grab his hair.

I hold his hair with one hand and rub his back with the other. He threw up and it led to him dry heaving.

He leaned back while flushing while I continued to take care of him.

"I don't want you seeing me like this." He groaned. "It doesn't change how I look at you. I'm going to help."

And so I did. I took off of work so I could stay and take care of him.

I hated seeing him like that. So sick and hungover. Throughout the day, he napped to sleep it off.

So I spent the day cleaning his apartment for him. Around six pm, he was awake so we decided to have a movie night.

Even if we're not doing much, I enjoy the quality time with Owen. I'm falling hard for Owen. I haven't felt like this before.

And that's what scares me the most.

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