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When I woke up, I could feel the pain in my hand. We were all at the hospital til about four in the morning.

I think Charlie had more fun there than at the bar. My middle finger is broken so they put it in a splint.

Owen's nose is broken but not enough for surgery. He just needs to take Tylenol for the pain and keep an ice pack on it.

I turn to look at him to see he's still asleep. I pout when I look at his face.

His nose was swollen and he had two black eyes. I run my fingers through his hair, feeling sad.

I hate how he's hurt. I don't wanna wake him up so I quietly get out of bed.

When I go into the living room, everyone was already awake.

Charlie turned to look at me. He had bruises and cuts on his face. "There's the star!" He teased.

I tried to flip him off but it hurt so I couldn't do for long.

"Man, I hate I missed it. Can you reenact it for me?" Savannah laughed.

I shake my head as I sit on my couch. "It was wild. Tate just walked right in there and wasn't even afraid." He remembered back.

I stood up so I could joke with them. "This is how I walked in there." They all turned to look at me.

I acted like I walked in and looked around. "I'm not afraid anymore! Do you hear that? I'm not afraid anymore." I quote Home Alone.

Everyone started laughing at my joke. "And then I saw the bloke and got scared shitless." I joke with them.

"You didn't act scared though! I think she forgot she was in a bar and not in a wrestling match." Charlie joked with me.

"Imagine looking over and you see Tate pile drive him." Jeremy teased.

He also spent the night knowing Carolynn was having a girls night of her own.

"Oh hell nah. Did you see how huge that guy was?" I ask when I sit back down.

"I just know Tate's crazy. I pulled her back so she wouldn't get hit but she ran back to him anyway." Jeremy laughed.

I shrugged as I looked at him. "Yeah, and who's the one who knocked him down? Me!" I tease.

We all talk about it for the next hour or two. As we sit there and talk, I could hear footsteps behind me.

I look over to see it was Owen. His nose was still super swollen and his eyes were still black.

I pout as he sits next to me. "I love you buddy, but you look like shit." Charlie grimaced towards his best friend.

"I feel a lot worse than I look." He sounded stopped up. As he sat there, he placed his hand on my knee.

"Do you need anything?" I ask hoping I could make him feel better.

"Medicine sounds perfect right now." I nodded my head and get up. I go into my kitchen to get him medicine and an ice pack.

I also get water so he could swallow the medicine. When I walk in, they were all joking around.

I give him everything he needs as he smiles. "I'm sorry about your nose." I pout towards him.

I do feel bad for it happening. If I didn't egg that guy on, his nose wouldn't have been broken.

"It's not your fault. I did punch the guy first." He smiles at me weakly.

He elevated his head while putting the ice pack on it. We all hung out and talked for a while, but everyone left but Owen.

We were cuddling on the couch, watching tv. "I'm really proud of you, you know?" He admitted to me.

I look at him strangely. "What do you mean?" I asked.

He looked at me softly. "Jeremy called you and said we were in trouble at a bar. Even though we were at a bar, you still came to help us."

I didn't think of it like that. I knew that they were drunk and around alcohol.

But I still went to make sure he was okay. "Well of course I came, I had to make sure you were okay. I didn't even think about alcohol."

My only mission was to make sure he was okay. And Charlie of course.

"I'm proud of you baby." It means a lot coming from him.

I just want to get better for him. "That means so much to me." I admit to him.

He smiled at me. He started rubbing my back, which calmed me down.

I lay my head on his chest, hearing his heart beat. We laid there for while, just embracing each other.

As we laid there, my door opened, revealing my brother.

Shit, I forgot who were supposed to hang out today. And I haven't told him about last night.

He took one look at Owen's face and dropped his jaw. "What the fuck?" He asked looking at us.

We sat up to look at him. "Owen and I got into a bar fight last night." He looked at us confused.

I explained up to the point where Owen got punched.

"You mean he got knocked out by one punch and got hit four or five more times?" Ryan joked which made us laugh.

"It was crazy, your sister was actually the one that got him to stop." Ryan looked at me with wide eyes.

Like he was surprised. "I just kicked him in the balls and punched him which caused this."

I bring my hand up so I can show him my broken finger. "Well damn. If I knew you were fighting, I would've came too." He joked.

Ryan hung out with us for a while but we both got tired. I was in the bathroom, putting on comfortable shorts and Owens hoodie.

I can't believe he gave me this on the cruise. And I'm still wearing it til this day.

When I brush my teeth and take off my face mask, I see Owen sitting at my keyboard.

He was looking at my song. "You finished the song. How come you didn't tell me?" He didn't sound mad.

More curious. "I've been meaning to tell you, I've just been so busy I forgot." I explain. I sit next to him, resting my head on his shoulder.

"I wanna hear it one day." He told me softly. "I would now if my finger was broken." I pout. He laughs to himself.

"What?" I ask confused. "I just can't get over how you broke your finger to protect me." I would do anything to protect him.

I would die to protect him. "I would do anything to protect you." I mean it too.

He lightly smiled as we both laid down in bed. I wanted to get some rest before going back to work.

I don't know how I'm going to do it with my finger but I could figure something out.

We both fall asleep quickly. But my alarm woke me up around eleven. I had to work at twelve thirty.

"Do you have to work?" Owen rasped. I looked at him as I grabbed my uniform.

His eyes were still dark. But I could tell the swelling has gone down.

The doctors said it should take three weeks for it to heal.

"Yes, I gotta pay my bills." I half tease. He looks at as he lays down.

"I told you, you could move in with me." I guess he was serious about that.

I thought about it for a second. "I mean the lease is coming up shortly." I put my clothes in my bathroom.

He was sitting up now. "Move in when it's up." He looked like he meant it.

"You really want me too?" He chuckles to himself as I look at him softly.

"Of course, princess." I don't care where Owen and I live at, as long as I'm with him, I'm good.

Plus I get to see Cruzy every day.

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