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Counselor Blatt had just walked me to my home room class. It's odd that she didn't offer a tour of the school, but I'm sure I'll just figure it out on my own. As always. I walked up to the teacher. He was sitting at his desk, with his eyes locked on his computer screen. "Hello, I'm Brielle and I'm new here." With his eyes still locked on his screen, "Have a seat anywhere you'd like." He spoke in a tone as if I were pestering him with so much. "Okay." I said awkwardly, and then looked around the room. The bell had just barely rung, so the class was still fairly empty. I found a seat that seemed suitable for me. It was the fourth seat back of the front corner seat. I placed my bag on the side of me as I took the seat.

Since it was only home room, and I clearly had no work to do or catch up on, I decided to read. I took out my book and began to read. "Oh, how cute. She's in my seat reading a book!" I heard a female voice speak above me. I then looked up only to have my eyes meet with a pair of blue eyes. She was wearing a red skirt, with a white top, and a red cropped leather jacket. Her straight blonde hair was tucked behind her ear on one side, while the other was in her face.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know anyone sat here." "Well now you do, so move!" She demanded. "I'm really sorry, I'm new here and-" "Ugh! Did I ask for you life story, freak? Just move your ass out of my seat!" She yelled. "Yasmine!" The teacher called, "Leave her alone. She's new, she can sit there. Go find another seat!" "But Mr.Brown!" She wined. "I don't want to hear it! Go." He demanded. "Fine!" She then turned to me and whispered, "You are so going to get what's coming to you!" She flipped her blonde hair and moved to the opposite side of the room. I buried my face in the palm of my hands as a sigh released. What a great way to start my day here.

Finally, the bell rang to go to our first class. In a rush to find my class, I didn't put my book away in my backpack. So my book was in my hand, and I was reaching in my back pocket for my schedule. "You freak!" Yasmine yelled as she slapped my book out of my hand, then pushed me to the ground. "Damn it!" I mumbled as I was about to get up. "Hey," A male's voice sounded, "Need a hand?" I looked up to see a boy with short dark hair, a baseball styled grey shirt with red sleeves, dark blue jeans, and tanned skin. "I know Yasmine can be a pain." He added, noting my silence. "Oh um," I uttered, "Yeah." I then reached for his hand as he helped me up. He then bent down and grabbed my book. "The Great Gatsby, huh? Nice choice." He smiled, handing over my book.

"Thanks," I grabbed the book, "I know it's sort of a predictable choice in the reading world, but I didn't want to be late on my first day here and it was the first book I seen." "First day? You're new here?" He asked. "Yeah, I am." "Cool. Do you know where your classes are?" "Not a clue!" We both laughed. "Can I see your schedule?" "Um, sure." I reached in my back pocket. "I'm Miguel, by the way." "Lola." I smiled. "Lola? That's a pretty name, it's not everyday you meet a Lola." "I guess." I then handed him my folded schedule. He unfolded it and started reading. "Says here your name is Brielle." "Yeah, that's my legal name. But I've been called Lola my whole life, so it's weird to introduce myself as Brielle." I giggled. "Where does your nickname come from?" "From some old movie, I guess. I've never seen it, or even know the title, but apparently as a baby I looked like the character Lola and everyone around me just continued calling me that." I shrugged. "Well, I like Brielle better." He smiled. Which made me smile, as my cheeks started heating.

"Moskowitz?" He looked up at me again, "Are you related to Hawk?" As I was about to answer, I was reminded of what Eli had told me just last night. Don't let anyone know. But before I could answer, as if on cue, Eli walks up to Miguel. "What's up, man?" He smiled. "Hey, is she related to you? You guys have the same last name!" "What? Me and her related? No, we aren't." "Yeah, we aren't." I mumbled. "Oh, then that's just a weird coincidence then," Miguel chuckled, "I've never heard of another Moskowitz, let alone met another." "Guess there's a first time for everything." Eli shrugged. "Yeah, um my last name is actually very common where I'm from." "Really?" "Totally! In northern Nebraska, like everyone has my last name. Like it's so crazy!" I tried fake laughing to cover up the nervousness of my voice. I've always sucked at lying.

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