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"Where should I put this?" Miguel asked, with a tray full of baked goods. "Um," I turned to look at the counter, where all of the food was, "Just squeeze it somewhere on the left end." "Okay." He smiled as he kissed my cheek, then walked to the counter. "Hola, Lola!" Carmen beamed. "Hola, Carmen!" I smiled, as we embraced one another.

"I'm so sorry for bringing so little. I had no idea what to make, so I baked." "No, no, it's okay," I assured her, "I appreciate you guys bringing anything and showing up." "We wouldn't miss it for the world! Plus, Miggy's been bragging about your little sister, and I have been dying to meet her and your parents." I sharply inhaled at the thought of her meeting my parents, "Right." Miguel's grandma then walked in, "You look beautiful." "Thank you," I smiled at her, "You look beautiful as well. The both of you do." "Gracias, mija." Carmen smiled.

"I just want to thank you for inviting for your family's Thanksgiving dinner. We don't get to experience big family events, such as this, and this means so much to us." Miguel's grandma softly smiled. "Of course, you guys are always welcomed to any family gathering." "That means so much." Carmen smiled in awe.

That tender moment only lasted a few seconds, because in walked the LaRusso family right behind them. I deadpanned as Samantha came into view. "Hey." Miguel approached. "Hey." I answered. Carmen and her mother then made there way towards everyone, I know I have to introduce everyone but right now my blood is boiling. "Did you know Sam was going to be here?" He questioned. "No," I shook my head, "Eli was supposed to go to their house. But just my luck for them to be here." "Well, let's go introduce my family to yours." He wrapped his arm around me and we followed into their direction.

Introducing them to my aunt and uncle was the easy part, now the real battle is going to be acquainting them to my parents. I made bigger strides, in hopes to approach my parents before Carmen and her mother do. "Mom." I called out, in a hushed tone. She ignored me, of course, continuing to fiddle with her phone.

"Mom." I called again. "Ugh," She rolled her eyes, "What do you want now?" "Miguel's mom and grandma want to meet you and dad." I replied. "Hello," Carmen approached, "I'm, Carmen." "Christy," She softly smiled grabbing my dad's arm to include him into the conversation, "This is my husband, John." "Nice to meet you guys." My dad greeted. "You as well," Carmen then placed her hand on her mother's shoulder, "And this is my mom." "Nice to meet you ladies." My dad offered a friendly smile.

Okay, so far so good. "I just want to compliment you guys on how amazing your daughter is. She's well mannered, kind-hearted, very thoughtful, smart, and beautiful." My eyes shut and my head dropped, my chin touching my chest. I know exactly what's going to take place now, any time someone compliments me in any form; my mom always has something to retort. Shit!

"Oh," She scoffed, "She's not all that great, but we appreciate the gesture." "Hun!" My dad softly scolded. My mom put her left shoulder up quickly and dropped it even faster, sipping her drink. By the look on Carmen's face, she was completely caught off guard at my mom's remark. "Mama," Miguel chimed, "Let's go meet her sister, yeah?" Carmen inhaled and deep breath and released it quick, "Yes, let's go." "She's outside." My dad informed.

Miguel, Carmen, her mother, and I made our way to the back. Carmen had caught a glimpse of Samantha during our quick travel to the back, and she wasn't exactly thrilled with the idea of her and I being under the same roof; especially on a holiday. But I assured her everything is okay, even if I didn't believe it myself.

"Kenny!" Miguel hollered. She quickly spun with a gasp following her motion, "Miggy!" Carmen giggled, "She calls him Miggy?" "Yup," I nodded my head, "They bonded extremely quickly." "That's right, Pinky." Kenny teased. "Pinky?" His grandma questioned. I shook my head at the use of the nickname, "It's a long story."  Kenny was quick to jump into Miguel's arms, and he happily obliged in holding her. "Kenny," He smiled, "This is my mom and this is my yaya." Kenny made a confused face, "What's a yaya?" That caused all of us to let out a little chuckle.

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