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"So how was your thanksgiving?" I asked Tory. "Uneventful," She replied, "Yours?" "Eventful." I released a deep breath. "Bold statement," Tory noted, "Everything okay?" "It wasn't, but now it is I guess." I answered. "Well, what happened?" "Samantha LaRusso, that's what happened." I bluntly replied. "What?? Girl, you need to explain NOW!" She exclaimed.

After I explained everything that had taken place, in crucial detail; Tory said in disbelief, "Holy shit!" "Yeah," I gave a dry chuckle, "That was my thanksgiving." "I told Samantha's a sneaky bitch." She remarked. "I never doubted you." I reminded. "How's everything with your mom now?" I laughed at the mention of her, "It's not like my aunt's speech suddenly made my mom love me. She's still her same cold-hearted self."

"I can't even lie and say that I understand, because I don't. My mom has always been the best, even with her being sick." "You're luckier than you realize, Tory." I commented. Brandon, Tory's little brother, and Kenny then ran up to us. "Sissy, we're thirsty!" Kenny whined, as she fanned herself off with her hand. "There's waters in the bag." I informed.

Her and Brandon quickly leaped for the bag, and attacked a water bottle each. "There's also some snacks in there if you two are hungry." Tory smiled. Brandon was quick to pull out one of the fruit cups, and drink it all down like a smoothie. "You guys having fun?" I asked. "Yes!" "Uh-huh!" They replied. "Well, I'm glad to see you guys getting along." Tory smiled endearingly.

"Hey, Brady," Kenny smiled to Brandon, "Do you want to race down the slides?" "Yes!" He replied. They both then raced back to the playground. "Brady?" Tory giggled. "She loves giving nicknames with the 'y' sound." I laughed. "Oh, yeah?" "Yeah. I'm sissy, Brandon's: Brady, Miguel's: Miggy, and your name is Tory. So she might just leave it." "And you call her Kenny, right?" "I do." I replied. "I love that we all rhyme." She giggled. "Leave it to, Kenny." I smiled.

"Who's Kenny?" A male voice questioned as he approached. "Babe," Tory smiled, "What're you doing here?" "I got bored at the dojo and decided to check up on you guys." He smiled. "Hi, Robby." I greeted. "Hey, Lola." He greeted back. "I've got to get going in a few minutes, so you came too late." Tory giggled, facing Robby. "Community service?" "Yup, living the teenage dream." She sarcastically replied to his question.

"Are you sure you don't want me to drop you off?" I asked Tory, once again today. "No, it's okay. I like the walk, it helps me mentally prepare." She replied. "Okay." I pressed my lips into a thin line. "I can walk with you, if you want." Robby suggested to Tory. "Okay." She agreed.

I then looked over to Brandon and Kenny, watching them laughing and running so carefree. "When does she leave?" Tory asked me, referring to Kenny. "Tomorrow," I replied, "I wish that her and Brandon would've met prior to today. They're getting along so well." "I know! I like her too, she's hilarious." Tory smiled. "My dad had mentioned something about coming down for Christmas, so she should be back in a few weeks." I softly smiled.

Tory then looked at her phone, "I've got to go." "Okay, I'll take Brandon home for you." "You don't have to." "I don't, but I want to." I smiled. She smiled back, "Thank you, really." "Of course," I then looked over to Robby, "Make sure my best friend gets to her site safely." "I couldn't imagine it any other way." He chuckled.

After I had taken Brandon home, it'd come to my surprise that Miguel was at my aunt's. Apparently he was waiting around for my arrival. Kenny, of course, was quick to cling to him. That didn't get to last long, since our mother was quick to take her away from me as soon as she got the chance. Now, Miguel and I were just hanging out in the room that I'd been residing in.

"I'm back in prison!" He teased, referring to the bare room. "Not true! I have one thing." "Wow, one," He laughed, "What is it?" I then picked up the picture frame from the nightstand, "This." He grabbed the picture with a huge smile, "Our picture from the game." "You like it?" "I love it." He then crossed over to me, and planted a kiss on my temple.

He then handed me the picture and sat on the corner of the bed. I placed the picture back on the nightstand, then turned to face Miguel; who looked a little off. "Hey, are you okay?" I asked. "Huh? Oh," He cleared his throat, "Yeah, yeah. I'm great." "You sure?" "Yeah, why?" "Just checking." I replied.

I then joined him on the bed. "Is Eli here?" I added, asking. "Um, no. I believe your aunt said he was out with his friends." He replied. "So, I guess he isn't going to join us for dinner before my family leaves tomorrow." I rolled my eyes. "Hey, it's okay. Maybe it's best he doesn't join, y'know; so he doesn't kill the mood or anything." He suggested. I sighed, "Yeah, I guess. I mean, it's bad enough I have to deal with my parents, I don't need another headache."

Miguel wrapped his arm around me and pulled me in. He didn't need any words, just his touch alone comforted me. I leaned into him, embracing his caring touch. "Your dad confirmed them coming for Christmas break." Miguel informed. "Really?" "Yeah. I overheard him telling your uncle about it." He answered. "Good," I smiled, "I know Brady's going to be excited about seeing her again." "Brady?" He questioned.

"Oh," I gave a dry chuckle, "Tory's brother's name is Brandon; but Kenny calls him Brady." "So, I take it she had fun at the park?" "Loads," I smiled, "They didn't even argue once. He's a really sweet boy, total opposite of Tory." I joked. Miguel laughed, "I've never met him." "Really?" "Yeah, I never met him or her mom." He replied. "I've never met her mom either, but I don't blame her for not bringing anyone around her mom. Her mom needs to focus on getting better." I cooed. "True." He agreed.

We then sat there in silence, I twiddling my thumbs as he just stared at the bare walls. "You really need a poster or something in here." He added. "Oh, whatever!" "I'm serious!" The both of us started laughing. "Lola, Miguel," My aunt called, "It's time to start on dinner." "Duty calls." I smiled to him.

We had all finished dinner. My parents and Kenny were packing their few things, while I went to take Miguel home. My mom didn't talk to me the whole time, let alone even breathe my direction. Maybe it was for the best though, I don't want to remember their last day here badly. As we pulled up to the apartment complex, I asked, "Can I use your guy's bathroom?" "Yeah, of course." He replied.

We then quickly made our way inside and I went about my business in the bathroom. As I walked out of the bathroom, I heard Miguel and Carmen talking. "Mom I have to tell her!" Miguel exclaimed. "No, Miggy, that's not your place to." Carmen sighed. "But, mom—" "Miguel, no," She firmly stated, "It isn't your place to say. That's finally."

I then crept into the living room, where they stood; they then tensed up at the sight of me. "Uh, is everything okay?" I asked. Miguel looked down as Carmen glanced from him back to me, "Yes, Lola. Everything is fine." "You guys sure?" I questioned. Miguel looked to me, then back to the ground, "Yeah. Everything is okay."

Before I could even press the matter, Miguel's phone started ringing. He then pulled it out of his pocket, and was surprised at whose name was across his screen. "Demetri?" He questioned aloud. I gave him a confused look as he slid his finger across to screen, to answer it. "Hey, Dem—..." His voice then trailed off. "What?!" He questioned worriedly. I then looked up at him with extreme concern. "Oh my gosh... I'm on my way." He then hung up the phone. "Miggy, what's wrong?" "Is everything okay?" I asked. He looked me in my eyes, "We need to go to the hospital now." My heart fell to my stomach at his demand.

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