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"I am so not prepared for this project!" I whined. "Don't even stress it, we'll do great." Sam smiled. "Yeah," Demetri started, "I mean with the four of us doing our part; we'll easily ace this!" "Love the confidence." Miguel laughed. "Hey, kids," I heard a woman's voice call, "There's some snacks in the kitchen if you guys get hungry." "Thanks, mom!" Sam spoke back. "Are any of you hungry?" Miguel asked. "I could eat." Demetri shrugged. "Yeah, same I guess." I agreed. "Well let's go, then we can come back and assign who does what." We all made our way to the kitchen.

I then seen an older man appear into the kitchen. He was wearing a suit and tie, with black dress shoes, and he seemed to be adjusting his watch. "Hey, Sam, we've got-" He paused as he looked up and seen all of us in the kitchen. He looked around at all of us, "Um, hi." "Hello, Mr.LaRusso." The guys greeted. "That's your dad?" I asked Sam. "Yeah." She replied. Miguel linked his arm with mine, "Uh-oh, looks like we need to keep Brielle restrained; right, Demetri?" "Definitely!" "Ha. Ha. So funny you two!" I rolled my eyes. "I don't understand what's going on, but okay." Mr.LaRusso added. "Excuse their comments," I pulled my arm from Miguel's, "I'm Brielle, but everyone calls me Lola. Well, everyone but Miguel." I extended my hand.

He smiled, "Well, hello. Pleasure to meet you." "The pleasure's all mine." I smiled back. He turned to Sam and Demetri, "Don't forget we have lessons today, okay? You have about twenty minutes, I'm going to set everything up." "Do you need help, Mr.LaRusso?" "Actually, yes. I could use both of the boys' help." The boys made their way outside as Sam's mom exited the kitchen. "Well, there goes assigning parts. They have to go all the way to the dojo." "Is that far from here?" I asked. "No, not really." "Oh." I awkwardly smiled. "So," She started, "You and Miguel." Totally taken back by her statement, I paused for a second. "What?" "There's something going on between you guys, right?" Still taken back, I was speechless. My face had confusion written all over it.

"I mean," She continued, "I seen the way he linked with your arm and the way he smiles at you. He also told me you guys were just out with each other a few nights ago." "No," She looked confused, "I mean yes, we were out together. But no, there's nothing going on between us." "Are you sure?" "Definitely! Miguel is currently my only friend, and what you seen right now was him teasing me over something stupid." "Like what?" She asked quickly. "An inside joke." I replied slowly. She eyed me for a second, "Right." "Yeah." I mumbled. "You know he's my ex, right?" "I do." I fake smiled, trying to hid my uncomfortableness. "Just making sure." She smirked. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Hey, guys! He decided that he was going to change the lesson so he doesn't need us after all." Demetri announced as he walked in. Perfect timing. "Yeah, so we ready to start this project?" Miguel trailed in, smiling. Sam said "Yes" and I replied with "No" in synchronization. "Oh?" Miguel looked confused. "Why not?" Demetri asked. "Well, I need to go do something with my cousin in a few and I don't want to be late." I lied. "Oh, okay. Well, how are we supposed to assign parts?" "You guys go ahead and pick, I'll get whichever job you guys don't want." I started slowly back pedaling. "Brielle is my ride, so I'll catch you two later." "You can stay if you want, you don't have to leave with me." I assured him. "I know, but you are my ride." "She's right," Sam chimed, "You can stay. I can give you a ride home."

"Thanks, Sam. But I came here with Brielle, so it's only right I leave with her. Plus you both have training in a few, and I wouldn't want to make you late." "Well, I'll see you two tomorrow then." Demetri smiled. "Yup, see ya!" Miguel smiled to him, then waved to Sam. "Give me a hug, goof!" She laughed. I shifted my weight onto my left foot in uncomfortableness. It's not that I was jealous or anything, I just knew what she was doing and it made me feel weird that she'd be that dramatic when nothing is even going on between Miguel and I. They then hugged, and we finally made our way to the car. I quickly entered, started it up, then left her house.

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