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I was laying in the bed of the guest bedroom, thinking of how my first day of school went. Describing it as an emotional roller coaster just doesn't do it enough justice. Ding! I reluctantly grabbed my phone from the side of the pillow. My screen lit up reading, Miguel Diaz started following you.

A smile spread across my face. I then started scrolling through his posts after I returned the follow. A message from Miguel then appeared on my screen. Hey, it's Miguel! It read. I then tapped the notification and replied, Hey, what's up? An immediate response, Nothing much. Do you have plans? Confusion and curiosity then came over me, When? Tonight?

Actually in like 10 minutes or so, I genuinely had no idea how to reply to that. In no way was I busy, or had any sort of plans. But that doesn't mean my aunt didn't have something up her sleeve. I got up to go and ask my aunt, but as soon as I reached for the handle; the door opened.

"What do you want?" "I just wanted to check in on you." He bit the inside of his cheek. "Well quite frankly I don't want to speak or see you currently, so bye-bye!" I pushed past him. "I seriously cannot believe you're mad at me, when I should be the one mad at you!" He retorted. I quickly turned back to face him, "You," I pointed at him, "Mad at me?" I pointed to myself, "What could I possibly have done today to have you mad at me? Last time I checked, you're the one who didn't even defend me when your asshole friends pushed me to the ground!"

"Don't talk about my friends like that! And I'm pissed because I seen you and Demetri hanging out the whole lunch period! And to make it even worse, you both somehow managed to force Miguel into sitting with you two!" "Okay first of all, your friends are assholes. Secondly, nobody forced Miguel to do anything. He wanted to sit with us. And thirdly, Demetri came up to me. Did we hangout all lunch? Yes. But aside from Miguel, he's the only other person who wanted to even speak to me." I defended. "You don't need to be friends with Demetri," He scolded, "And I know you losers forced Miguel to sit with you guys! There's no way Miguel would willingly sit with someone who takes karate lessons with LaRusso!"

"You have no business telling me who I can and can't be friends with, so stay in your lane," I warned, "And I hate to break it to you but he did willingly sit with us. And from what I've heard, he was in a relationship with a LaRusso; so maybe you spend too much time with the wrong friends if you didn't know that." "I know he dated Sam! They were dating before it even happened." "Before what even happened?" I questioned. "Hm," He smirked, "Guess you don't know everything, so stop pretending like you do."

I was getting so mad. I just needed to get away. And that's exactly what I'm about to do. I started walking towards the front door. "Where are you going?" "Out." I replied. "Out where, Lola? My mom needs to know!" "I'll tell her." I grabbed the keys hanging up. "Hey! You can't take my car!" He yelled. "Yes, I can. I have permission from your mom to use it to my leisure." I devilishly smiled at him then walked towards his car. "Oh you are so going to get what's coming to you!" "Ha! I've heard that before already." I then hopped in his car and started it up. I quickly pulled out my phone and texted Miguel, I'm in. Tell me where to meet you.

I pulled up to Miguel's apartment complex. I was about to text him, then I seen him standing there. I turned off the engine, then walked over to him. "Hey, Miguel." I smiled. He was standing there with a tall caucasian man who looked like he hadn't shaved in a while, and had a few markings on his face that looked like they were healing. "Hey, Brielle." "I'm sorry, I didn't know you were-" "Don't tell me you have a girlfriend." The man told Miguel. He then laughed, "No, sensai. She just moved here and I'm just trying to be a friend for her." "Sensai?" I questioned, "You must be sensai Lawrence, right?" "Yes, I am." "Please to meet you! I've heard a bit about you." I smiled, extending my hand. He then shook my hand, "Oh yeah? Like what?"

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