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Miguel, Demetri, Moon, and I all sat at the lunch table together. "Wait, wait, wait," Miguel looked at Demetri, "You knew this whole time they were related? And you never bothered to fill me in on that piece of information?" "I've known Eli since we were kids; of course I know who is and who isn't his family. In my defense though, I used to be close to the both of them and for the sake of not wanting to see anything happen to Lola, worse than it already is, I stayed quiet." He explained. "Did anyone else know this?" He questioned. "No," I answered, "Demetri was the only person who knew from the start that we were cousins."

"That's so weird!" Moon exclaimed. "I'd say it's more complicated than weird." Demetri chimed. "No, not that," She looked at me, "You and I are like friends now, and I don't know if you know this, but I dated your cousin.... Oh my gosh, I'm friends with my ex's cousin!" I softly giggled, "I knew you dated him. Him and I started getting distant at the beginning of your guy's relationship." Her whole demeanor changed, as her head hung low, "Oh." "Oh my goodness, I'm not trying to make it sound like you were the cause or anything like that. I mean he was really invested in you and in karate, but I knew he was finally feeling happy for once and I didn't want to interfere with that," I then reached over the table to grab her hands in mine, "Thank you for making my cousin happy. I know he started being an ass and that's why you guys broke up, but he was really head over heels for you."

Her eyes held mine, as I noticed them starting to water, "As was I for him, and you're welcome. I just tried to make him feel the way he made me feel." I then mouthed, 'don't cry' and she nodded her head as she started blinking the tears away. She exhaled a deep breath to help her calm down, as we both smiled at each other. Both a genuine appreciation and warming smile. "Hey,guys!" A female voice boomed. I looked up and my stomach churned at the sight. "Hey, Sam." Moon greeted. "Hey." Demetri smiled. "No 'hi', Miguel? Lola?" "Hello." "Hi." I managed to utter. Sam offered herself a seat next to Miguel, having him in the middle of the two of us.

"So," She stared at me, "Is it true that you and Hawk are like cousins?" "Who told you that?" I asked. "You're in the valley now, and nothing stays a secret here for long." She devilishly smiled. "We are." I answered her previous question. "Wow! That's so crazy, never would've guessed." "Well, since we're airing out secrets; were you aware that Miguel and I are dating?" Her eyes slightly widened, "I heard rumors after the dance." I just smiled at her then looked away. "Hey, speaking of that," She added, "What did exactly happen after the dance? The two of you just disappeared."

"Sam!" Miguel scolded. "What? Is it illegal for a girl to ask a question now?" I felt the adrenaline slowly coursing throughout my body, fueled by my anger. "Sam, don't intrude on their personal life." Moon softly spoke. "I didn't realize there was something to intrude on." She arched her brow. "What's got into you?" Demetri asked Sam. "Oh nothing," She then wrapped her arm around Miguel, "I'm just a very concerned friend and only want what's best for him." My fists clenched as my breathing increased, I didn't want to show her that she was getting the best of me. But if she doesn't remove her polished little fingers off of him, she's not going to be able to count to ten on them very soon.

Miguel must've sensed my anger, because he unclenched one of my fists and took his hand in mine. He then gave it a little squeeze, and I did the same. "I have to admit though, Lola," Sam added as she finally removed her arm from him, "I never took you as a friend's-with-the-girl-whose-boyfriend-almost-killed-my-boyfriend type." I sharply inhaled, as my heart started pounding so loud it filled my eardrums.

"Sam, don't!" Miguel warned. "How do you even—" "I'm just saying, allot happened that day. You almost got killed, I have three gash marks in my arm forever, and Demetri kicked his ex-best friend's ass." "I know exactly what took place that day." Miguel growled. "Then how could you possibly be okay with her being friends with Tory?! She's just another little snake, like them." She spat. "Now you're going too far!" Miguel hollered. "Why? Is she going to cut me like her little friend? Or is she going to have someone kick you off the stairs again?" Her snide remark was like the fire that lit the bomb.

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