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"And remind me again as to why this is a secret?" Demetri asked, as we were walking the halls to our first period. "It's not really a secret." I uttered. "I'm Brielle's first boyfriend, and she isn't really used to the whole hand-holding-walking-to-class thing. So we've agreed to just take things slow until she's comfortable enough." Miguel explained. Demetri nodded his head, "Right." Miguel and I then approached our first class of the day, English. I then turned to Miguel, "I'll meet you inside, okay? I'm going to use the little girls' room." "Okay." He smiled as he made his way into the classroom. Demetri was walking away also, but I grabbed his backpack and pulled him towards me, "Woah!" "I need to talk to you." "Me?" He questioned. "Yes, you!" I replied.

"Okay," He then made his way adjacent from me, "What's up?" "You're the only one I can talk to about this, since you're the only person who knows who I really am." I stated in a hushed tone. "Before you start," He then whispered, "I already know why you don't want to be affectionate to Miguel in school. You're scared Eli will find out, aren't you?" I nodded my head, "Yes! I mean he already doesn't like the fact that we hangout at lunch, could you imagine how he'd react if he found out we're dating?!"

"Lola, you can't—" "I know you think that I'm worried about what Eli will think, but that's not it. I can't let him do anything to Miguel, or have Miguel an unknowingly walking target!" I explained. He stayed quiet, and looked to the ground. "Miguel still doesn't know I'm related to Eli either, I can't risk losing his trust." I added. Demetri open his mouth, but before he could speak the bell rang. "Saved by the bell." Demetri shrugged then walked away.

Miguel and I were at his apartment at this time. We have a test in English, and we decided to study together for a bit. I was situating the flash cards in order, when I glanced up at Miguel whom had an uneasy mien. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Nothing." "Come on, Miguel," I softly nudged his arm, "You can't lie to me. Tell me what's wrong." He looked up at me, then back down with a sigh, "Are you ashamed of me?" I was absolutely stunned at his question, "What? No! Of course not! Why would you ask that?" I questioned. He shrugged, "I've been down this route before, y'know? You and I have been together for almost two weeks now, and I am in no way rushing you; but I've been kept a secret before and I don't like the feeling."

"Miguel," I grabbed his hands, "I'm not Sam, okay? I promise I'm not ashamed of you in any way. I'm just trying to get used to this whole dating thing." "I know, you're right," He smiled, "You're not her in anyway. I know you wouldn't lie to me." My chest felt like it was sinking, yes I would! I have been lying to you since the day we met! "Right." Fell from my lips. He cupped my cheeks and planted a kiss on my lips, "All mine." I giggled, "How about we get to these flash cards?" "Is it all we have left?" "For today, yes." I replied. "Okay, let's knock it out so we can have more time for movie night!" He smiled.

We finally finished up our study time, and since it's a Friday we're having a movie night as a date-night. Carmen, his mom, is out at work and she's having to do overtime. His grandmother is always in her room, and him and I are just sitting on the living room couch cuddled up as the first movie is playing. We decided to binge watch the Spider-Man movies, with Tobey Maguire of course. "These movies are so amazing!" "They really are, they're way more than nostalgic." I agreed. "The plots are spectacular!" "Plus the main character is cute." I laughed.

"You like Tobey?" "Fun fact: He's my first celebrity crush." I replied. He stared at me then said, "I respect that." That statement caused me to laugh pretty hard, and Miguel joined in on it. "Y'know," He started, "The Green Goblin has a pretty sick costume!" "I definitely agree with that!" I smiled. We then cuddled back up and continued watching the movie. Within a couple of seconds, Miguel gasped which startled me, "That's what we should be for Halloween!" "What?" I questioned. "I'll be the Green Goblin and you can be Spider-Woman!" He smiled. I then smiled, "I'd love that." "Where do you think we'd be able to find them?" He asked. "Definitely online, we'll look tomorrow. Tonight is movie night." "Movie date-night." He smiled.

Without any realization, I had drifted to sleep during the third movie. We had already ate dinner, and made sure we had enough to leave a plate for Carmen and his grandma. It felt so warm and safe laying on Miguel, and his arms were wrapped around me. Suddenly I felt a pair of cold fingertips pressing against my arm, "Hey, mija, it's time to get up." My eyes slowly started fluttering open to see Carmen standing above me, with a smile on her face. "Brielle, we've got to get up now. It's already 9:45." Miguel cooed.

I then shot up, "Oh crap! My aunt is going to be upset with me!" "Aunt?" Miguel questioned. My heart sunk, I hadn't realized what I had said. Once again, here comes the lying, "Yes, my cousin's mom came to visit for a bit. She can be pretty harsh sometimes." "Oh, okay. You should get home then." He smiled. "Yeah, I'll see you later, okay?" "Yeah. Call me." "I will." I then said my goodbyes to everyone, and showed myself out.

I was on the way back to my aunt's, but I took a quick stop at the same liquor store by the Cobra-Kai building. I was craving a watermelon Arizona, and thought a quick pit stop wouldn't hurt. "Fancy seeing you here." I heard a familiar voice greet. I looked up to see the blonde girl I had met a few weeks ago, "Hey, Tory." I honestly thought I'd never seen her again, and I can't believe I remember her name. "Here for more allergy medicine?" At first I was confused, then I caught on to her joke, "Oh," I giggled, "No. Just getting something to drink." I held up the tall can and waved it a bit.

"Those are so good! I want one now." She reached into the cooler and pulled one out. "This is actually my favorite flavor." I stated. "Me too!" She smiled. "Hey," She added, "Are you okay?" "Yeah," I replied, "Why?" "I don't know. Your eyes just look a little swollen." "Oh," I rubbed my eye, "I fell asleep at my boyfriend's just now." "Boyfriend?" She questioned. "Yeah? Is that surprising?" "No! I should've known you had one, by pretty you are." She smiled. "Oh, thank—" "So who is he?" She abruptly asked. "His name's—" "Hey, babe." A tall-ish pale skinned boy with the most beautiful green eyes I'd ever seen. He was undoubtedly stunning all-in-all.

"Hey." She smiled at him. He then looked at me and asked Tory, "Who's this?" "My new friend Lola," She then looked at me, "Lola, this is Robby. My boyfriend." "Oh," I smiled, "Nice to meet you." "Likewise." He flashed a quick smile. "We should hangout some time." Tory smiled to me. "Yeah, uh definitely!" I agreed. "Cool! What's your number?" We then quickly exchanged numbers, then went our separate ways. When I first met Tory, I had a weird feeling about her; but now that I see that she's dating  a Robby, I have an even more off feeling about the two. However, I just shook off the feeling since I didn't really have a reason to have my suspicions; and went about my business.

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