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"I know what I did was messed up, I'll never stop denying that. I never intended to hurt him!" "You had to have known doing that would hurt him." "It was all instinctive. I mean when someone comes swinging at you, you don't just stand there and not do anything back." He stated. I hung my head low, and stayed silent; he had a solid point. "Look, I'm sorry. Tory and I should have told you who were were, I understand that. But you taking your pain out on me isn't cool." Robby deadpanned. "It's been almost a week since Miguel spoken to me! He doesn't trust me at all, especially since I hangout with the guy-who-almost-killed-him's girlfriend." I flopped onto the seat, and buried my face in the palms of my hands.

"Hey," Tory sat beside me, "Want to take your pain and anger out?" "Doing what? I've tried talking it out, but that didn't help me at all!" "Who said anything about talking?" I then looked at her, and she had a devilish smile across her face. Oh, boy!

"Welcome to the greatest place of all time!" She greeted, smiling. "I don't think I should be here." I sheepishly mumbled. "Oh come on, it's not like you're going to get into trouble being here." She pressed. "I don't think Miguel would like this." "Well," She looked around the room, "I don't see Miguel here." I just stayed silent, not knowing what to say. "It'll be our little secret." Robby smiled. I paused for a few beats, "Are you guys sure nobody is here?" "Nope, this place is a ghost town. Class doesn't start for another hour, so we have plenty of time to release some anger." Tory gave me a reassuring smile. I let out a breath, "Okay. Let's do it."

"Picture every pain, betrayal, anger, lie, all wrapped up in this punching bag. Now every time you hit it, and the harder you hit it, it disappears; okay?" "Okay." I agreed. "Close your eyes." Robby instructed. I did as I was told, and lightly shut them. "Now imagine anyone who's ever hurt you, who's ever lied to you, all of your own guilt, anything negative in your life. Generate it all." Tory listed. I took a deep breath, envisioning it all. My eyes remained closed and it felt like I was watching a million different movies at once, as I channeled everything she listed. Especially everything of recent events. "Got it?" Robby asked. I nodded my head in response, so I didn't lose the adrenaline coursing through me. "Now hit!"

Immediately my eyes shot open, as my fist went flying and connected with the punching bag. "That was good," A man's voice was heard, "But I think you can do better." Confusion flushed over me, as I took a step back, "Who are you?" "Owner of this place." He answered. "Hi, sensai." Tory greeted. "Hello, Nichols," He then turned to me and stuck his hand out, "John Kreese." "Lola Moskowitz." I shook his hand. "Moskowitz? Are you—" "Hawk's cousin? Yes." I answered before he could even ask. He smiled, "Makes sense. You both have amazing power behind your hits, but there's something different with you." "Different?" I questioned. "Yes, but not a bad different. A good different," He then crossed towards me, "I see something in you, kid. Something real special."

"You do?" "Oh, yes. Have you ever taken karate? Are you apart of a dojo?" He asked. "No. I mean I've had a few lessons from... A friend, but that's it." I answered. "Join my dojo. Cobra Kai will give you the backbone you need, and strength you never imagined being capable of." He cooed. I stayed quiet, I know I can't join. Not if I want Miguel back in my life. That's something he'd never forgive me for. "I—" "Sensai, maybe we should give her time to think about it. So if she joins us, she'll full heartedly be a cobra, a great one too." Tory smiled at me. "Of course! How about you stay for today's lesson, just observe and see how you like it?" He suggested. "I would but—" "Oh no 'buts', it's honestly my pleasure. Let's give you a quick lesson now, then you can just watch and see how it's really down." He devilishly smirked.

"Yeah! It'd be totally cool, Lola! You could get a feel for real karate." She smiled. "Real karate?" "Strike first. Strike hard. No mercy," Robby chimed, "That's real karate." My stomach churned, considering that I had just discussed him half-killing Miguel earlier. I guess my face said what my mouth didn't, because Tory leaned close and whispered, "Don't take the phrase wrong. Robby was nowhere near Cobra Kai when the fight happened. He did that with the training from LaRusso." My eyes widened at the new piece of information, I couldn't believe Sam's dad taught Robby to fight like that. So dirty. The thought of Miguel falling flashed into my mind, I obviously wasn't there so I didn't know what it looked like, but my imagination was enough to fuel me. "I'm in." I told Kreese. He smiled very pleased, "Good choice."

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